Peanut loves Kung Fu movies as much as his Dada. Today, he tried to imitate some moves. He said that last move was “part of the routine” but “still hurt a lot”. These are words of a true martial artist.
Socially Distanced Kung Fu
There are new rules at Kung Fu – no hand-to-hand contact, no equipment, just practicing routines. When we arrived this morning, Peanut was only one of two kids in his class. Janie had about 5 in hers. What a strange time this is…
“Squid Jerky”
The kids love calamari. Peanut especially enjoys is grilled or fried. They call it “squid jerky” and it’s their special afterschool treat right before going to kung fu on Thursday nights. Today we got it after Sunday kung fu. We have so many make-ups from our vacation.
Busy Saturday
Mama kinda overdid it today. We had a bunch of make-ups to do and they all got scheduled on the same day as Janie’s soccer game.
It started with make-up kung fu classes for both kids at 10:00 and 10:45.
Then it was off to Aquatech for swim make-ups for both kids at 12:00pm. We barely had time to grab lunch so we stopped for burritos on the way home and ate in the car.
Peanut was so tired that he fell asleep in the middle of eating his burrito. Poor guy. Once we got home, Janie had just enough time to change into her soccer stuff and Peanut continued to nap in the car parked in the garage.
We arrived at the soccer field by 1:50 to warm up for the 2:20 game.
Peanut enjoyed being a spectator and trading Pokemon cards with Evan.
Janie did well considering she was so tired from a full day of activity. However, her fuse was pretty short at one point and did better once she was moved over to Uncle Jimmy’s team to finish out their game as goalie.
Mama knows better than to schedule so many back-to-back activities in one day. We were so done after soccer that we also canceled on our dinner plans.
The kids fueled up with smoothies this evening before kung fu at 6pm.
Belt Ceremony
Peanut received his yellow belt today.
Janie also received her green belt!
Here’s the group photo. That’s Peanut in the front giving his serious kung fu face.
Congratulations, kids!!
Double Belt Test!
Janie had her 3rd belt test today.
Peanut had his 1st belt test too!
We’re so proud of both of them.
We celebrated with a spaghetti lunch at Trabocco! Yay!
Ready to Test
This afternoon, Sifu deemed the kids ready to take their belt test. This will be Peanut’s first test after only 1 month in the white-black class and Janie will be taking her 3rd test. Way to go kids!
Fighting Sifu Sam
Janie was sparring with Sifu and gave him a mean uppercut on accident. He was a good sport about it but it really took him by surprise. Sorry Sifu!
Peanut turns FOUR
Peanut turned 4 today and he has learned and experienced so much this past year.
In August, he started swimming lessons and really enjoyed his new teacher, Coach Jin.
In September, he received his kung fu uniform and started the Little Tiger class. This guy became a big fan of Bruce Lee too.
In October, he went to the dentist and sat for his first set of x-rays and cleaning.
In November, he learned how to spell his name and started drawing the letter T.
In December, we went to Hawaii and he wasn’t afraid of floating around in the ocean or going down the big slide at the hotel. Swimming lessons have paid off.
In January, Peanut got on a snowboard for the first time and LOVED it. He was also not afraid to go down the hill from the moment he got clicked into the board.
In February, we went to Vancouver for the week and he discovered Tim Bits!!! This guy could finish a whole box of 6 doughnut holes all on his own. He also took his first snowboarding lesson.
By March, he was able to write his name and draw figures. He was also finding more interest in coloring.
By April, he was able to write all the letters of the alphabet, could write his last name and fill out a birthday card with Mama helping him with the spelling.
In May, he went to his first baseball game and enjoyed chanting “Let’s Go Oakland!” with the crowd.
In June, he took his first cruise and also visiting Alaska for the first time with his family.
And now it’s July and has turned 4 years old. We have learned that he has a very silly side but also gives the best hugs. In addition to all the things listed above, he had learned to pump a swing, dress himself completely, and has started to sound out letters. He has moved up to the white-black belt class in kung fu and moved up from Starfish to Seahorse in swim. His laugh is infectious and his confidence in life is pretty cool to watch. We love our Peanut and can’t wait to see what’s in store for him this coming year.