Girls only!


Janie went to Auntie Patty’s house to hang out with her pals Zoe, Kylie, Kaitlyn, and Lauryn this afternoon.


She followed them around and they let her into their Girls Only Club.  Grown-ups weren’t allowed so Mommy stood at the door and watched the girls pow-wow together.


Kaitlyn, the oldest of the gang, took good care of her and helped her up the stairs and into the laundry basket “boat”.

Descending Stairs a video by beakatude on Flickr.

She got a lot of practice on the stairs this afternoon and mastered going down the stairs on her own.


Mochi, Koa’s brother, also lives at the house and Janie was delighted to see him.


She would point to him and call out “Go-Go!” and followed him around the house.  She tried to snuggle him a few times but he would just run away – unlike Koa who would just sit and take it.

Mochi a video by beakatude on Flickr.

Here she is stalking him in the backyard.


What a fun afternoon!

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Janie’s 1st Fun Run


Janie participated in the runDisney kid races this morning.


Doesn’t she look so cute with her bib and Nikes on?!


She was in the 1-3 year old division going 100 meters.  When she arrived with Daddy, she was ready to go and dancing to the music!


We also met up with her aunties and the 4 little girls also doing the 200 and 400 meter dashes.


Unfortunately, it was already 80 degrees, humid, and they made her wait an extra half and hour before starting.  Here’s the start of the meltdown.  She was so sweaty and kept rubbing her eyes.


They corralled all the children in this little area and then made us walk at least 400 meters just to get to the race start.  By then, you could see all the little toddlers on the brink of melting down.  The parents were all probably thinking the same thing I was, which was “this was the worst idea ever”.  I even overheard a mom yelling in a very frustrated tone “Stop fussing!  This is supposed to be FUN!”  Sounded like the adults were melting down too at this point.  We had to break down and give Janie the G-raffe, which was hiding in Daddy’s pocket and was supposed to be her “carrot” during the race.  Oh well.  It kept her from completely losing it before it was her turn to run.


They let the kids go row by row and we weaseled our way up to almost the front so we wouldn’t have to wait so long.  Janie was ready to go again but wouldn’t let go of G-raffe.  So, we spent most of the 100 meters trying to convince her it was a good idea to go straight ahead and not to sit down on the course.


The announcer called out her name and she even waved to Yai on the sideline.

Waving to Grandma a video by beakatude on Flickr.

Here’s a video of her hearing her name and waving to Yai at the sideline.

What a funny girl.

Finish Line a video by beakatude on Flickr.

It’s hard to get a 16-month-old to walk in a straight line with so many fun things to see all around you.


Here she is after going through the finish.  Daddy picked her up and gave her a ride the rest of the way back.


She was NOT in the mood for her medal and was just over the whole thing by the end.


Look at my tired sweaty baby.  Good job, Baby Girl.

Congratulations on your first organized fun run!


Here she is at home with her finisher’s t-shirt and medal just an hour later.


After a quick nap, cooling off, and a little snack, she was back in action.  Ta da!!


She was so active again that it was nearly impossible to get a photo taken of her.


Here’s the back of the t-shirt.  So cute!

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