Who knew that this blog would be enjoyed by the same kids featured in it. This morning, Peanut got a kick out of the photos and videos of himself on LittleJanie.
One more day!!
This morning, the kids were up early and starting playing right away. They’re so cute with their matching pjs and bed head.
We also made one more trip to Soda Springs for a morning to rides before heading home.
We went straight to the green runs and had a full morning of snowboarding.
Peanut figured out a new way of sliding down the mountain and we laughed the whole way down.
We later met up with Zoe and Maya on the other side and the kids had fun going down the bunny slopes together.
What is this?
On our way to dinner, Peanut started doing this funny sidekick-hopping thing. He thought it was hilarious.
Rainy Dim Sum
We went to Chinatown to buy some fresh fish for dinner tonight. It was pouring rain today and the kids had fun while we waited for a table for dim sum.
Peanut is also such a ham when it comes to taking pictures nowadays. Funny guy.
We have a few hills in front of our house. Both kids took advantage of them today.
Peanut and Ethan took their tricycles down the grassy hill and got lots of giggles from it.
Janie took her skateboard down the sidewalk hill and she’s gotten pretty good at turning.
The kids figured out a new game with the borrowed dump truck.
Sequoia National Park: Day 1
Turns out it gets REALLY cold at night in Sequoia. Everyone slept with their heads covered and it was very painful getting up to go pee in the morning.
Mama and Janie were up first so we got a little snuggle time in before Peanut popped his head out and eventually woke up.
It was still pretty cold during breakfast. Peanut and Mama had their matching puffy jackets on today.
Janie convinced Dada to build a fire to help her warm her hands so the kids sat by the smokey fire sharing blueberries while the bacon and eggs were cooking.
After breakfast, we headed out to one of the Visitor Centers (Lodgepole) for a look around. We learned about all the different creatures that live in this National Park and watched a short video about bears and safety.
We also picked up a Junior Park Ranger workbook for Janie. It included a bunch of activities that she is supposed to complete and return later in order to become a Junior Park Ranger.
What’s great about this park is that there’s a bus that goes around to the different sites. So, we hopped on and got dropped off at Giant Forest where we walked down almost a mile to the main attraction.
The kids did great on the walk down and we stopped for a few photos on the way down.
Here is the General Sherman Tree, which is the world’s largest tree.
At the next bus stop, there was a fallen tree with a tunnel carved out.
For lunch, we ate our packed picnic back at Lodgepole.
Then on the way back to the campsite, both kids fell asleep and finished their naps in the minivan once we arrived.
For dinner, we picked up a pizza at Stony Creek Lodge and brought it back to the campsite.
The kids had a blast being silly with each other, which is an endearing thing to watch as they giggled together.
Of course, the evening ended with more s’mores and the kids were really getting the hang of it.
Once little brother went to sleep in the tent, Janie had a few giggles with Dada too.
Half Moon Bay
We spent the day at Half Moon Bay State Beach with Sophie and Avia. The weather was warm enough to be outside all day but not too hot as well. When we arrived, Peanut was asleep in the car and he finished his nap in the stroller.
The kids found these weird creatures that washed up on the beach. They spent much of the day collecting them in buckets.
Janie and Sophie did a lot of the hunting while Avia did lots of stirring in the buckets.
They also played with this giant piece of kelp that washed up too.
We just installed a new doorbell this past week and the kids were having fun with it today.