
Homeschooling and sheltering in place would not be as productive or stimulating without the technology that we have nowadays. Janie had a Room 33 Meeting with her classmates.

Then a 90-minute Mandarin lesson with her usual teacher at Yu Ying. Her teacher does a great job keeping everyone engaged, listening, and participating. This is money well-spent!

Janie later had storytime with Toni, Thomas, and Peanut. She read them 4 books!!

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Yu Ying Performance

Today, Janie’s Chinese School held a performance and Janie did a song and speech with her classmates.

She was super nervous but sang her song with all the hand motions and then gave a short speech in Mandarin. We are so proud of her for sticking it through and being so brave. That was probably one of the hardest things she’s had to do so far.

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Counting in Mandarin

Counting in Mandarin a video by beakatude on Flickr.

So far she has 1, 2, 4 (sometimes), 5, 6, 7, and 8 down. I’m still amazed that she learned this on her own. I certainly didn’t teach her.  Just earlier today she was practicing on her own in the stroller.  For some reason, she avoids the number 3 in both Mandarin and Spanish.  Weird.

Counting in Mandarin a video by beakatude on Flickr.

Here’s a clearer video. It’s funny how she counts along with such enthusiasm.

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