Target run


Peanut went to Target with Mama this morning and we got a lot of shopping done for Christmas.


Thank goodness for the safety belt on the shopping cart because this guy just couldn’t sit still with all the cool stuff Mama was throwing into the basket.


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little monster


This little guy reminds me of a little monster. He eats with gusto and does not care about rubbing his food all over his face. This evening, it was black beans on his face and in his hair.


He has a cute side that also has a little spark of mischief behind it.


Take your eyes off him for just a second and he’s up to no good. He is particularly fond of the clock radio lately.

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Peanut had a fun time with Big Sister’s snowflake toys. It was fun watching him take them out and actually put them in. It was also funny to see him throw them whenever he was told “no”. I’m sure it won’t be funny in a couple more months.

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Thai food


Dada was not feeling well so we went out to our usual Thai restaurant for dinner and brought some soup home for him.


Peanut sat at the table with Mama and Janie and had fun with the napkin.


After he had his food, the table and placemat became fun things to chew on. Luckily, the placemat kept him from chewing on the actual table.


He was up to all kinds of mischief this evening!


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Cooking with KK


She sounded and looked like a cooking show today while she played with her tea set.  We don’t even have Food Network here at home!  Where does she get this?!

You can also see a little bit of her mischievous side in this video. She knows she’s not supposed to play with her milk but she does it anyway with a sneaky smile on her face.

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closet art


This morning as I was getting ready for work, I saw this on the closet wall.  Oh man…I gotta keep a closer eye on her when she has crayons in her grimy little hands.


I’m also so thankful to have so much support from my friends.

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