15 months


Janie is 15 months old today!  Here are some highlights from this past month:

  • She learned how to walk on her knees and walk backwards.
  • She’s eating with a fork and trying to comb her hair.
  • Eating is still fun for her and some of her new foods include: raw apple slices, cucumber, hummus, Japanese curry, steamed green beans, banana muffin, and key lime pie.
  • Janie’s figured out how to put Duplos together and stacks large blocks now.
  • She can also put the circle piece into the shape sorter.
  • We started a nanny share with Mirian’s daughter and Janie’s loving it.
  • Janie likes to laugh and babble to her herself.  It’s so fun listening to her but sometimes it seems non-stop.
  • She started saying “hi” and waving to people.  She also says “uh oh” and “wow”.
  • She understands “sit down” in English and Spanish.
  • She makes a sound that I think is supposed to be “thank you” when you hand her something.
  • She can identify her head and tummy pretty consistently and she’s starting to get her nose correctly.  She was pointing to her mouth before.
  • Janie figured out how to crawl under things without bumping her head.
  • She also likes to stand with her hands behind her back or on her hips.
  • She’s been pooping in the toilet more often than in her diaper.
  • Janie played at the beach in Tahoe and has been enjoying the sandbox at the park.


  • She’s really into pushing things around and walking up and down curbs or anything else with a level change.
  • She’s finally able to hand me things when I ask for it.
  • Janie’s also saying “Dada” more consistently.  The other day she heard Daddy waking up and she walked over to the room and yelled “Dada!”



I also thought I’d include Senor Fatty Duck Duck in these photos.  He’s getting carried around now!  Little Janie’s come a long way, hasn’t she?!


She loves hugging him, using him as a step, sitting on him, and using him as a pillow.  Who knew he’d be so versatile?!


It’s been a fun month and this little bundle of mischief is not slowing down anytime soon.

Happy 15 months, Little Lady!


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Morning Hijinks


  Janie was up to no good this morning while I was making her breakfast.


Even while she was having breakfast, the silliness continued.  Look at that face!


Luckily she had a good appetite and had a hardy breakfast that morning.


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Not for you…

dog food

As you know, Janie LOVES Koa and now that she’s crawling, she follows him around the house.  Today she beat him to the food bowl and tried to get her hands on some.  Luckily we were around to see it happen so I picked her up and we washed her hands before any of it got into her mouth.

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294 days

287 days

Another week has gone by and our Little Janie is 42 weeks old today.  Isn’t there a Pause button for life somewhere?  I actually managed to get a photo of Janie sitting next to Senor Fatty Duck Duck just like old times.


This week has been full of exploration for this rugrat and she’s crawling, standing, and getting into as much trouble as she can get away with.  All of a sudden her toys aren’t as fun and she gets this excited giddiness whenever she gets her hands on the remote controls, my phone, or any other object that isn’t a toy.

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