
This pink microwave toy was one of Peanut’s favorite toys at school and at Uncle Jimmy’s house. Auntie Eleen found one on Facebook and got it for him. He was so happy to finally have his own. Thank you, Auntie Eleen!!

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Busy Guy

Peanut had a busy evening. He went through the Amazon toy catalog and circled what he wanted on his wish list.

He also took care of Baby.

He also had some homework to do. He finished his pumpkins on the fence project and did a tallying/charting activity.

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Mama’s Birthday

Today is Mama’s birthday and since she took the day off, we drove to San Francisco after Zoom classes were done. We went to the Ferry Plaza and found it deserted.

They had outdoor tables for us to sit and wait for our table at Hog Island Oyster Co.

Janie drew a cute picture while we waited.

It was fun eating at Hog Island again after so many months. They had tables spaced out nicely and the food was just as good as we remembered.

Peanut enjoyed eating his clams. He also managed to entertain himself with the empty shells too

No trip to the Ferry Plaza is complete without soft serve from Gott’s. It was nice to be back in our old hang out spot but we were sad to see how the pandemic has really turned off the hustle and bustle of the city.

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It’s fun to see how the kids adapt their play based on real-life experiences. No more sit-down dining at their restaurant. It’s only for take out at this time.

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It’s Thursday and Mama has the day off to document what the family has been doing at home. Peanut helped Dada make waffles this morning.

Janie had her 9:30am Zoom meeting with her teacher and classmates.

Peanut did some of his Kindergarten workbook and then made a mailbox for his room.

The kids made a couple more Easter eggs for the window.

They also played with kinetic sand outside in the patio.

Janie’s friend across the greenbelt also came by and left her an early birthday message on the sidewalk outside our house. So sweet.

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Play Dough

The kids have rediscovered play dough and spent all afternoon making cookies, noodles, pancakes, and all kinds of other things.

Here’s Janie’s blueberry cake with a giant blueberry on top and tiny blueberries all around it.

Peanut mixed some colors and made rainbow cookies.

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