Looks like these two are in the weeds. Their customers have arrived with hungry tummies and money to spend…also not practicing proper social distancing.
Big Brother
Peanut takes good care of Baby.
Look at his multi-tasking skills at work!
Off to Bed!
Peanut said it was Baby’s bedtime so he carried her upstairs for the night.
Ready to Snowboard
Day with Jasper
It’s President’s Day and Janie was invited over to Jasper’s house for the day.
Looks like they had a busy day filled with playing inside and outside.
Snow Plow
Peanut came home from school and made what he called a “double-decker super snow plower”.
Sunday at Home
The kids are back home and had fun playing with their toys again after being away all week.
We also made some Rice Krispies Treats this evening!
He may be four years old but still loves his firetrucks.
Gup Train
Peanut loves his Octonauts Gups. He lined them all up in alphabetically order today.
Jasper’s House
Today is a Staff Training Day so there was no school. Jasper’s mom was nice enough to invite Janie over for the day so she didn’t have to go to Yu Ying. In the morning, Dada dropped her off and Jasper made a schedule for the day.
They built a fort and also played in the cardboard time machine that Jasper already had in the livingroom.
They also had some time at the playground that is located across from his house and she saw a familar face there – ZOE!
After lunch, they made a gingerbread Halloween house and decorated cookies.
On top of all these activities, Janie also got an introduction to coding on her iPad with Jasper and his dad. What a fun-filled day!