18 months


Our baby boy turned 18 months old today and Mama is a little sad. He went from a dumpling baby that just rolled around on the floor to a walking, climbing, noisy monster of a toddler.


Here are some highlights from this past month:

  • Gross Motor: He’s climbing the sofa daily and has started walking rather quickly back and forth in the house. I think he’s on the verge of running. Scary. He also does this funny squat thing that looks like he’s trying to jump but he’s not even close to coming off the ground.
  • Fine Motor: Not much has happened in this area but he has shown a greater interest in Duplos. He can put some pieces together but still needs some work. He likes playing with markers but doesn’t really care for scribbling yet. Must be a boy thing.
  • Speech: He has a few new words including “up” and “no” (his favorite). He also tries to yell at Alexa (our Amazon device) but it sounds more like “ah-ga”. Pretty funny. He nods yes and no more consistently now and still relies on signing eat, more, all done, and please. His receptive language seems to be pretty robust now and seems to understand things like “sit down”, “wash hands”, “clean up”, “take shoes off”.  He also says “cheese” when he seems me taking a photo of him. Unfortunately, his cheese-smile looks like Chandler Bing from the show “Friends”.
  • Self-care: He’s still a fan of utensils and has gotten pretty good with using a fork and spoon (when he wants to). He also tries drinking from an open cup whenever he gets the chance. One of Mama’s favorite tricks is how he puts his shoes away when we get home. He also throws his own diaper away in the trash. He will also wipe his hands and face if we give him a napkin or wipe.
  • He also learned how to give hugs and kisses. It’s so sweet.
  • Eating/drinking: He has a list of foods that he consistently doesn’t like including tomatoes, carrots, and bell peppers. Still loves meat, tofu, and beans. Pasta and noodles are also a good staple for him. It’s also cute watching him eat a sandwich. He does a pretty good job eating them without it completely falling apart. He’s also a big fan of water. He drinks so much!!
  • Personality: Boy oh boy does this guy have a strong personality. He has quite a temper but he’s also very friendly. When he’s mad, he throws whatever he has in his hand. He is also pretty stubborn and says “NO!” with a good scowl on his face when he really doesn’t want something. At the same time, he will come over and give you a random hug or kiss just minutes after a tantrum. He still loves his hippo/pacifier and will desperately call out “boo-boo, boo-boo” when he’s sad or tired. He also has a fondness for his muslin blankets. He’s also a daredevil and clown at the same time. It definitely keeps Mama on her toes all day long.
  • Habits: He sleeps well during the day and goes to bed well each night. Unfortunately, he still wakes 1-2 times each night but usually gets back to sleep on his own. He still LOVES taking a bath and now helps Mama apply lotion afterward. He still hates having his teeth brushed but we have to do it.





Happy 18 months and Happy Half-Birthday, Peanut!!  Love you!!


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365 days


Our not-so-little Peanut has turned ONE! Where have the months gone?! So much has happened and he has definitely grown into a little person with lots of personality.


This past month was full of transitions, changes, and new skills:

    • We started introducing him to cow’s milk and so far everything seems to be just fine.
    • He learned how to blow raspberries and has been quite a chatterbox.
    • He learned how to use a snack catcher and loves to drop things into containers.
    • Cruising and crawling are still his preferred method of movement and he didn’t quite advance to walking as quickly as his big sister.
    • He had his first birthday party and surprisingly didn’t care for his cake!
    • Stats: Wears 12-18 month clothes, shoes are size 4, diapers are still size 4.
    • Daily Routine: Wakes at 6am, naps 9-10am, naps 1-3pm, drinks three 4-ounce bottles per day, goes to sleep at 7pm.
    • Favorites: stacking cups, musical Baby Einstein toy, putting things into containers, flipping through books.
    • He adores his big sister and loves watching her in the backseat of the car. They giggle together and he has learned so much from her. She also takes good care of him every morning after Mama goes to work.


He’s become a little version of his Uncle Jason complete with dimple and possible preference for his left hand. He’s also quick to smile but also quick to anger. He also loves his Mama so very much. We can’t wait to see what he will be like in another year.


Happy 1st Birthday, Peanut! We love you to pieces and you’ve completed our little family.

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11 months


Getting a photo of this guy with a sticker on his belly is nearly impossible lately. He’s either moving or trying to pry the sticker off or both at the same time.


It just goes to show how much a motor maniac he is lately. Crawling is his best mode of movement right now and he’s getting pretty fast – even on the hardwood floor.


Of course, cruising furniture is second best and climbing has become a new thing for him too. Big sister got a little worried and insisted on spotting him today.


Other highlights from this past month include:

  • Figuring out how to drop things into a container. This new skill often makes a fun drop-things-on-the-floor-and-mama-keeps-picking-it-up game for him too.
  • He’s also figured out how to pull snacks out of a snack catcher.
  • New foods this month: watermelon, cantaloupe, rice, PBJ sandwich pieces, spaghetti with sauce, onigirazu (rice ball with nori and salmon), oatmeal (yes, we were slow with this), scrambled egg, and a bunch of other random things at restaurants.
  • This guy is also a chatterbox. Lots of mamamama, dadadada, bababababa, nananana, and raspberries. He also plays around with the inflections and likes to imitate other sounds like smacking his lips, clicking his tongue, and making a wah-wah-wah sound with his hand on his mouth. He’s also become more consistent with saying mum-mum when he wants more food.
  • Self-feeding is super fun for him. He takes gobs of food and stuffs his mouth sometimes if we let him. He’ll also hold a cracker and take little bites off without losing the large piece in his hand. He goes through crackers like it’s going out of style. He also enjoys holding his bottle and drinking from his straw cup too. This boy can guzzle down water faster than any other baby I know.
  • This month, we celebrated his twin cousins’ 1st birthday. Can’t believe it’ll be his turn next month!
  • He got his first haircut (thanks Ta!) and went to the Creativity Museum for the first time with his new membership card. Mirian took him on the carousel and she said he had a great time.
  • Crawling on all fours, cruising, and walking with a push cart have been how he gets around lately. He JUST started climbing into his sister’s reading chair and I’m sure her bed is next. The other day, I saw him stand on his own for a split second but I don’t think he did it on purpose.
  • Sleeping hasn’t changed much – consistently down between 7 and 8, wakes at midnight, and sometimes at 4. Still an early bird but we’ve been able to get him to go back to sleep sometimes. Naps run from 9-10 and then 1-3.


Happy 11 months, Peanut!


Can’t bare to lose my baby boy but it’s been fun watching you grow and learn. Love you to pieces.


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9 months


Peanut is 9 months old today and it takes a fast finger to take a photo of him on his back like this.


This is what he looks like most of the time nowadays.


This has been a big month for our little mover. Here are the highlights:

  • Gross Motor: He mastered crawling and pulling up to stand – two huge milestones! Now’s roaming the house and getting into lots of mischief when he can.
  • Teeth: Peanut grew another bottom tooth!
  • Speech: He makes lots of noise and his favorite sound is “da-da”. He says is mostly when he’s really happy. He only recently starting saying “ma-ma” when he’s not mad.
  • Fine Motor: Picking up food with his thumb and index finger now. He does less smashing into his mouth too.
  • Sleep: We went through a period of waking every 3 hours at night but he’s now waking and getting himself back to sleep without any help. He definitely cries but Mama doesn’t have to get up anymore. Yay sleep!! He also started sleeping in the pack-n-play this past month and we handed down his co-sleeper to Henry’s little brother who will be born any day now! Bedtime is consistently between 7 and 8 every evening. Naps are still around 9am for an hour and 1pm for about 2 hours.
  • Food: This boy loves to eat and has moved onto to soft cubes and shredded or ground meat. New stuff includes egg, noodles, rice, bread, lemon, cheese, and green beans.
  • Other: Peanut flew on a plane back from Cerritos earlier this month and got his own seat. Yai was also in town for a week while Dada was in France and then came back the following week with the rest of the family to celebrate big sister’s 4th birthday.
  • Clothes and Diapers: Still in Size 4 diapers and still in 12-18 month clothes.

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Happy 9 months, Big Boy!!



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4 years


Can it be true that our little girl is FOUR?!?! Yes, it is indeed true and we are so amazed by how much she can do, say, process, and feel. So much has changed about her but some things have stayed the same as well – including her love for that blue skirt that she’s had since she was 2!


This sassy ball of energy has accomplished so much in the past year:

  • Writing and Reading: Janie can write just about every letter of the alphabet in upper case letters. I haven’t counted how many she does on her own and how many she can do after a demonstration or cueing. Regardless, she loves to spell out words and write everyone’s names.  She’s also learning the sounds of all the letters and still loves to have stories read to her.
  • Drawing: Her drawing skills have also made lots of gains these past 3 months. Her self-portrait has more detail including fingers and toes. We’ve seen her draw a turtle, elephant, balloon, triangle, and many other things.
  • Gross Motor: She’s a whiz on the scooter and we’ve put away the tricycle. She also learned how to hop on one foot and skip. She’s also been taking soccer every week and has learned to stop the ball, dribble, weave between cones, and kick the ball to the goal. This past December, Janie finally mustered up enough courage to go down the small slide and swim around the pool in Hawaii using her floatation vest. Now if only she would learn to jump in…I guess that’s for when she’s 4.
  • Speaking of Hawaii…one of her favorite trips this past year was Hawaii in December. Sophie and her family were there and so were Toni and Thomas! She also traveled to Vancouver for the first time and had so much fun with Amelia.
  • Favorites: Her favorite books include many of the Dr. Seuss books, Octonauts Creature Report book, Too Many Mangoes, and a few others I can’t remember at the moment. Her favorite movies/shows are still Frozen (now with Frozen Fever too), Octonauts, and Masha and the Bear. Favorite foods include Khao Mun Gai, bean burritos, raw fish, raw oysters, edamame, Tom Kha (coconut soup), shrimp, ice cream, and carrots.
  • She lost her precious GG this past year but she was replaced with Little Guy.
  • Growth: Janie is growing taller and we think she’s just under 40 inches tall. She was tall enough to ride her first rollercoaster at Disneyland and one of the slides at AT&T Park this year. We don’t know how much she weighs yet but she’s definitely slimmed down quite a bit. Luckily the cheeks have stayed around.  She’s wearing 4T and 5T clothes now and her PJ pants are quickly turning into capris. What’s nice about her growth is that she can reach a lot of public sinks now on her own. Ah…Mama’s back appreciates that the most.
  • Math: Janie loves to count – especially her reward pennies. The other day, she amazed us with some practical math during dinner. She said, “I can have two, Mommy can have two, so we will need four.” She does this all the time to us.
  • School: Janie has been enrolled in preschool this past year and has been making some nice strides. Nowadays, she will just drop off her backpack and run out to the play yard without even saying goodbye. She has lots of friends and plays with pretty much everyone in her class. She’s also picked up on little tidbits like where people live, what language they speak, and what kind of lunchbox and food they bring from home. She loves her teachers, Denise and Sharla, and they have told us how independent and creative she is throughout the day.
  • Personality: Our little girl is definitely going to make waves in life. She stands up for what she wants and believes in even if it makes people uncomfortable or frustrated (especially Mommy and Daddy). She also has a very creative side and has a keen ability to make something out of nothing. Toys are kind of useless for her because she can be perfectly happy playing with a straw and coffee stirrer. Janie is also very sweet and loving. When I listen to her play with her stuffed animals, I hear a very motherly caring part of her. She loves pretending to be a medic (like Peso, one of her favorite Octonauts) and has put together (on her own) a medical bag that she uses daily to bandage her family/stuffed friends, check their temperature, fix broken teeth, and give medicine.IMG_0303Her silly side has also blossomed this past year. She likes to make funny faces when Mama tries to take her photo and she cracks up at every funny or weird sound/word. She also makes up her own silly words/lyrics to tunes that she knows.
  • Big Sister: The biggest change for her 3rd year was the addition of a little brother to the family. She is so proud of him when we are outside with him (especially at school). She proudly says, “this is my little brother, he came out of Mommy’s tummy, I’m a big sister”. She likes to play with him but has also learned that now that he’s moving, she can’t peacefully play with her toys next to him without getting attacked by the little monster. We hear a lot of “PEANUT! NO!” when they are together lately. But in the end, she loves him to pieces and will help out with finding his puppy pacifier or feeding him snacks.
  • Challenges: With all the good things, there are also some difficulties with this little lady. We are still managing her behaviors with the penny reward system but she’s also become very smart about it. She has a knack for negotiating and nagging to a point where we almost give in sometimes. There are some days when she is motivated to do things on her own like get dressed or clean up and then there are days when she will complain “I’m too tired to do what I’m supposed to do”. Naps on weekends are rare but still necessary sometimes. She also loves playing with other kids but sharing is still hard when it’s not to her advantage. I suppose that’s normal for the age still. Toilet training is going well and she doesn’t have accidents during the day (including her naps at school) but she’s still unreliable at night – mostly because she wakes up slowly in the morning and gets too lazy to get up to the toilet. We’ve also learned how sneaky she can be and has been caught sneaking things she knows she’s not supposed to take or play with. She’s been caught sneaking tape out of Mama’s drawer, cutting things open with her scissors, and eating snacks that are not meant for breakfast – just to name a few.


I know this is a long post but it’s hard to describe the mixed emotions we are feeling about our baby girl turning 4. She’s officially a kid with real memories of her many adventures now and growing up so quickly before our eyes. Happy 4th Birthday, Baby Girl. We love you!!

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8 months


Peanut turned 8 months old today and what a month it has been! He’s had a lot of growth and change.


  • Gross Motor: He learned how to sit himself up from his tummy. He’s been trying to crawl but just ends up going backwards.
  • Eating: We’ve been a lot more adventurous with his diet this month. New foods include: cucumber, steamed carrots, steamed brocolli, beef, chicken, pork, chicken liver, prunes, blueberries, soft serve, and even Auntie Vyl’s pound cake.
  • Teeth: Peanut grew his first teeth this month! He got two bottoms first and then two top teeth a week later!!
  • Fine Motor: He’s picking up little puffs with his fingers now and stuffs his mouth very efficiently nowadays. He loves to manipulate the different parts of his toys including flicking, spinning, turning, and patting. His favorite toys are still the stacking cups and plastic links. He also likes his O-ball car. He’s also banging two toys together pretty consistently.
  • Speech: Peanut is a very vocal little boy and can be quite noisy in the morning. He makes a variety of sounds including “da”, “bwa”, “ba”, and “ma”. He says “Dada” a lot. Can we consider that his first word? He also blows raspberries all day.
  • Expressions: This guy is full of funny expressions including wrinkling his nose, tilting his head to one side, smiling with his mouth wide open, and of course the pout. Sometimes it feels like he’s a little ball of ever-changing emotions.
  • Events: Lots of illnesses including a virus that ended with a rash all over his body. He went to Lake Tahoe to see snow for the first time and had a good time. We took lots of trips to the aquarium and went to two different zoos this month. He’s also been going to the library for story time more consistently.





Happy 8 Months, Baby Boy! Love you!!

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7 months


Peanut is 7 months old today. Where did the first half of the year go?!


Highlights from this month include:

  • Gross Motor: This guy is quite a mover. He rolls in both directions and also pivots around in side-sit to really cover some distance on the floor. He’s having more fun on his tummy lately and tries to combat crawl. If you put him in quadruped, he can hold his tummy off the floor for a second or two before his hips give way.
  • Fine Motor: Peanut has been grasping and holding lots of toys. He will inspect a toy by turning it around and then putting it in his mouth. He also sits for longer periods of time actually manipulating parts of a toy by flicking spinners, pressing buttons, and pushing switches back and forth. I love watching him play and learn on his own. Favorite toys include his activity cube, plastic links, clear animal cubes, and the stacking cups.
  • Eating: We’ve really expanded his diet this past month with a variety of flavors and textures. He’s had mango, tofu, rice porridge, kale, pear, cauliflower, romanesco, puffs, rice crackers, yogurt, and peanut butter. So far he has been allergy-free. Yay! Unfortunately, he doesn’t poop as often and it worries Mama. We’ll have to get prunes on board soon.


  • Expressions: He loves to make this new squinty stink face and smiles a lot. He’s generally a happy kid when he’s not hungry or sleepy.
  • Social: Peanut loves his big sister and watches her every move. He doesn’t have stranger anxiety yet and usually enjoys meeting new people. Unfortunately, he also doesn’t like to be left alone for too long, which makes it hard to get stuff done at home sometimes.
  • Events: He’s outgrown the Rock n Play and sleeps primarily in the co-sleeper (flat on his back finally!) or stroller when he’s congested. We celebrated Chinese New Year with friends. Super Bowl came and went. We have also had a string of illnesses in the house and he’s been the healthiest of the 4.


  • Sleep and Routine: This has been rough. He’s regressed in his sleep and will keep Mama up every 2 hours most nights. He also wakes up super early (4 or 5 am) and we usually have to leave the house because he makes too much noise. During the day, he’s great and has been sticking to a pretty regular pattern of naps and feeds. He loves hanging out with Mirian and gets to go to the library and playground pretty often.


Happy 7 Months, Big Boy!! We love you so much and can’t wait to see what new things you’ll learn this next month.

Here are some additional photos:




This is what our photoshoots look like lately. He’s such a mover that it takes lots of shots to get it right.


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5 months


How is it that Peanut is 5 months old already?!  When I look back at old pictures from his first month, he has really grown and changed a lot.  At a whopping 22 pounds, he’s super sturdy and loves to sit up to play and see the world.


This past month has been such a fun one.  He learned how to sit on his own, sat in a highchair and shopping cart for the first time, went to Hawaii, celebrated his first Christmas, and took his first long car ride to Southern California.  He’s laughing a lot, playing with infant toys, and loves being with people.  His sleep has been more inconsistent but we chalk it up to all the traveling we’ve done in December.


Playing on his tummy and back has become more tolerable but they’re still not his favorite.  He experienced sand and the pool for the first time and loved both of them. His cry has gotten louder and he now has a scream that he lets out when he’s really mad.  Car rides have gotten slightly better but we still cringe every time we have to put him in the car.


Happy 5 months, Peanut!!

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4 months


Look who’s 4 months old today!  We love how social he is but it’s also made it frustrating at times since he doesn’t like to be left alone.


This month has been full of smiles and giggles.  He’s also trying so hard to sit up and we’ve played around with propping him up with pillows.  He also started sitting in the feeder seat during mealtimes for short periods of time. We’re also seeing the start of some rolling from his back to his tummy but he’s got a big tummy to move so it’s not quite there yet.


Playing on his tummy is getting easier but it’s still not his favorite.  On his back, he’s been interacting more with the toys hanging over him and will bring toys to his mouth if he can get a hold of them.


We started celebrating the holidays at Light-up Night and with family on Thanksgiving weekend.


Happy 4 months, Little Man!  We’re looking forward to seeing what you’re gonna do next!

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3 months


Peanut is 3 months old today!!  He’s grown and changed so much already. He moved up to Size 3 diapers by the end of this month and now comfortably fits 9-month clothes.  Crazy!!


His personality is definitely coming out and we just love to see him smile AND LAUGH! We’ve gotten some really good belly laughs out of him this past month.  Mama also witnessed him rolling over from his tummy to his back one time.  He loves staring at his hands and sucking on them too.  This can keep him occupied for 10-15 minutes sometimes.


We’ve taken him to so many places this past month including Vancouver, Cerritos, Redwood City (Auntie and Uncle’s House), and the California Academy of Sciences.  He has also met so many new people including his aunts and uncles in Vancouver.

At the end of the month, Peanut took BART and flew in an airplane for the first time!  He’s a good traveler so far and Mama really appreciates that.


Happy 3 months, Baby Boy!!

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