10 months


Boy oh boy!  This girl is growing and MOVING!!  Janie is 10 months old today and it has been a wild month.


   As you can see in this monthly photo, it is nearly impossible to get her to sit still.


Here are some highlights from this past month:

  1. Janie grew two more teeth on the bottom.
  2. She’s trying to stand on her own and has been able to balance for almost 10 seconds.
  3. She’s also cruising along furniture!
  4. Her crawling has become much faster and she gets all around the house on her own now.
  5. Janie went to her first Super Bowl party at Uncle Jason’s house.
  6. She celebrated her first Chinese New Year with all her pals.
  7. Janie has her own “room” now and sleeps there every night.
  8. She’s been sleeping through the night most nights and it can last up to 11.5 hours some nights.  If she wakes up, she calms herself down now.  Aaaah…sleep.
  9. Janie has learned the word “no”.  This has helped keep her out of Koa’s food bowl.
  10. She’s babbling more and more with lots of combinations of vowels and consonants.
  11. New foods: soba, spaghetti, watermelon, salmon, and peas.
  12. She rode the carousel for the first time with Mirian.
  13. Janie has recently discovered my pen and how to make marks on paper.
  14. We’re in the raspberry stage now.

Our little explorer is getting harder to keep up with but it’s so much fun to see her get around and cause trouble.

Happy 10 months, Little Trouble Maker!!  Love you to pieces!

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9 months!

9 months

Janie is 9 months old today!  Hooray!  Now that she’s on the move, it was really hard to take her quilt photo.  This is the best I could do and very telling of how much she’s changed this month.

Here are some highlights of the past month:

  1. We celebrated her first Christmas and New Year’s Day.
  2. Janie went to Disneyland for the first time.
  3. Mommy took Janie to UCLA for the first time.
  4. She learned how to get up on all fours from her tummy.
  5. We had to lower her bed.
  6. Janie started crawling and pulling up on furniture to stand up.
  7. She tried egg, tofu, cheese, fish, rice, and yogurt for the first time.
  8. Janie grew 4 more teeth on top!
  9. We’ve taken out a bunch of her 12-18 month clothes and she’s still in her Size 3 diapers.
  10. She saw bubbles for the first time and started to cry.
  11. Janie met her Great Grandmother for the first time.
  12. She’s become increasingly interested in Koa.

We’re taking her to the doctor on Wednesday so we’ll have some stats for you then.  This has definitely been an exciting month for us all.  She’s growing and changing so quickly before our eyes. It’s also getting harder to get anything done around the house nowadays!

Happy 9th Months, Baby Girl!!  We love you!

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8 months

8 months

Our Little Janie is 8 months old today!  We’re 3/4 of the way to a year…crazy.  This has been an interesting month filled with firsts and lots of restless sleep.  Here are some highlights:

  1. Learned how to grab her feet while on her back.
  2. Had her First Thanksgiving and had her first taste of turkey.
  3. Starting to move out of her base of support – so close to crawling!!!
  4. Started screaming and squealing just for fun.  Loves the echo of the garage and hallway.
  5. She grew a new tooth on the top and it was no fun for the whole family.
  6. Went to two birthday parties.
  7. Rode Caltrain for the first time and loved it.
  8. Has enough hair for pigtails now.
  9. Started enjoying Peek-a-Boo.
  10. Found her pointer finger.
  11. Tried green veggies and liked them!
  12. Picked out her first Christmas tree.
  13. Threw up for the first time.
  14. Got her first papercut.  Boo…

What a crazy month it has been but we’re enjoying (almost) every minute of it.  She just keeps changing on us and has really become a little person this month.  Happy 8 Months, Baby Girl!  Looking forward to our First Christmas together!!!

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7 Months

Where has the time gone? Our little chubster is 7 months old today! This has been a really fun month with her now that she can sit on her own and has been eating solids like a champ. Here are some highlights:

  1. Sat in a highchair, shopping cart, and a swing for the first time.
  2. Rolled from her back to her tummy.
  3. Had her first Halloween and dressed up as an elephant (and had a twin too!)
  4. Tasted apple, carrot, butternut squash, cauliflower, pears, turkey, avocado, and plum.
  5. Started eating and self-feeding puffs!
  6. Started holding and drinking from a straw cup.
  7. Has been vocalizing more with a variety of sounds: ma, na, la, ga, mm, da, e, o, a, and lots of raspberries and squeals.
  8. Learned how to lean over and crane her neck to get a better look at something (usually around something blocking her view).
  9. Started going to the Children’s Creative Museum and Story/Song Time at the library with Mirian.
  10. Found her feet and can grab them while she’s on her back.
  11. Started standing in a bouncer and goes CRAZY!!
  12. Sleep has been not as consistent with her but she still sleeps at least 7-8 hours straight most nights.

Phew! This was a really big month of milestones and new experiences! I also weighed her this evening and she’s a whopping 20 lbs, 13 ounces now. She’s wearing 9-month, 12-month, and 12-18 month clothes and moved up to Size 3 diapers too.

It’s been so much fun to watch you grow and learn, Baby Girl! Happy 7 Months!! We love you so very much!

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6 Months

Janie is 6 months old today!!!  Crazy, right?!  I went to Target today and browsed the baby clothes section and was blown away by how tiny the newborn clothes were.  How quickly I’ve forgotten how small Janie used to be!  I must say that these past three months have been so much fun and this past month in particular has been very exciting.  Here are some highlights:

1. Rolled from her tummy to her back for the first time.
2. Mastered sitting for brief periods without support.
3. Got her first tooth and then the second one a week later.
4. Ate her first solids (sweet potato)!
5. Endured her first cold.

These are some pretty big milestones and there are a lot more to come.  She’s now wearing her 6, 9, and 12-month clothes depending on the style and brand of the clothes and enjoying her toys a bit more each day.  She’s also a lot more interested in Koa these days and watches him or reaches out for him when he walks by.

To celebrate this special month, I bought her a little cupcake and lit a candle too.  Too bad she’s not old enough to eat it but until then I will just have to enjoy it for her.  🙂

Happy Half-Birthday, Baby Girl!  We love you so much and look forward to the next half of your first year!

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5 months

Little Janie is 5 months old today!  This photo was taken hastily in the morning before I went to work so I didn’t get the chance to catch a smile.  It was pretty early for both of us.

I must say that this has been a really fun month with her.  On her tummy, she’s pushing up onto her hands instead of relying on just her elbows and forearms.  Unfortunately, she’s still not rolling but I’m secretly happy about this since we can still put her down on the bed without worrying as much.  She’s getting better with supported sitting.  Because of this, we’ve moved her to the other side of her bathtub and she now sits instead of reclines for her baths.

Her trunk is more upright and she will lift one of her hands off the ground to grab for a toy.  She’s also been way more interested in her toys this month.  We can now leave her alone for 15-20 minutes with her rings, the ball, French Sophie, or G-raffe and she will sit and quietly play alone.  This comes in handy when we’re eating dinner or when I’m getting ready for work.

Speaking of work, Daddy went back to work and we hired Mirian.  I thought the transition would be hard but Mirian has made it really easy for us.  Janie liked her from the start and ever since we started, she’s been sleeping through the night!  Amazing!  The schedule that I worked on so diligently the month before returning to work has really stuck and we even got to wean her off her 5th feeding at 11 pm.

At her doctor visit this month, Janie weighed in at 18 pounds, 3 oz and she’s now 25.75 inches long.  She’s still wearing her 6 months clothes but it looks like the 9-month clothes will need to wait in the wings sooner than we expected. 

We took her to the California Academy of Science this month and she really enjoyed the aquarium on the bottom floor.  It’s so exciting to see the world through her eyes.

Janie also had her first play date with her pal Sophie who moved back to California earlier this month.  It was so fun to watch them interact. She also met her new friend Zoe and looked like such a big girl next to her!

It looks like Little Janie is no longer a newborn and she’s a full-fledged baby with a little personality that’s bubbling to the surface.  Can’t wait to see what’s next!  Happy 5 Months, Baby Girl!  We love you!

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4 months

Our Little Janie is 4 months old today!  This was an exciting month filled with travel and transition.  Janie took her first trip on a plane to Hawaii, went on her first camping trip, had her first trip to Napa, and Mommy and Daddy switched roles.  Janie now weighs 17 lbs, 4 oz. and she’s big enough to ride in the big girl stroller.  She has also started doing some fake sitting but she hasn’t quite mastered rolling yet.

She’s using her hands and eyes together to inspect her toys more closely including her beloved giraffe.  I’ve found her manipulating the giraffe around to suck on the different parts and then back to the pacifier.

She’s also trying to hold her bottle but not quite there yet.  Socially, she’s been smiling more and has had a few giggles.  It looks like we have a serious baby with a silly side too.  Perhaps she’s a mix of our two personalities.  Janie’s been a lot chattier this month and has gotten much louder too.  Hoowee!  What a month!

Happy 4 months, Baby Girl!

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3 months

Janie turned 3 months old today!  It’s funny that it fell on a Friday just like the day she was born so she’s also 13 weeks old today!  This has been an exciting month for us.  She’s babbling a lot more, has started to drool quite a bit, and her neck and trunk are getting stronger!  Janie’s also sleeping ~8 hours most nights of the week and has been drinking almost 24 ounces of milk per day.  No wonder she’s growing so fast!  Her 3-month clothes still fit (phew!) but has moved up to Size 2 diapers recently.  It’s not a surprise since she’s now weighing in at 15 pounds! Can’t wait to see what’s next this coming month!

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2 Months

Look who turned 2 months today!  This past month has been fun.  She is now almost twice her birth weight, started wearing her 3-month clothes, started sleeping 4- or 5-hour stretches at night, holds her head up when held, and has a social smile.  In fact, just today I think she tried to laugh!  She is also bringing her hands to her mouth to explore and even tries to push the pacifier back in when it’s falling out.  She also went on two road trips and attended her first wedding.  It’s been a busy month!

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The Quilt

Back in 2006, I fell in love with this quilt when I saw it in a small store in Hawaii.  I bought it in hopes of finding a good use for it one day.  It stayed in storage for 6 years and made its reappearance when Janie was born.

Janie turns 4 weeks old tomorrow and one month on Sunday so I took a photo of her with the quilt today.  I think I’m going to do this every month for the rest of the year.

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