Janie loves coloring and today as she was doing this, she was saying “draw a picture”. Each time she made a scribble that resembled a letter, she would call it out.
Her scribbles are a little more sophisticated now. She said she drew “d” and “Q”.
Watch us grow!
Janie loves coloring and today as she was doing this, she was saying “draw a picture”. Each time she made a scribble that resembled a letter, she would call it out.
Her scribbles are a little more sophisticated now. She said she drew “d” and “Q”.
Janie now says “read book” and did it while she was on FaceTime with Ta and Yai. She enjoyed “reading” one of her favorite books to them this evening.
This morning, Janie had her morning milk with GG on her floor towel. Once Daddy was up, we walked over to one of our favorite breakfast spots: eggs n things!! There’s usually a big wait but somehow we got seated within 10 minutes. Amazing.
We sat upstairs and Janie did a good job keeping herself entertained.
It was also where I discovered that she could recognized some lowercase letters on her placemat.
I guess she really learned a great deal with Auntie Krissy the other day at the park. She recognizes u, s, o, and t so far. She also thinks the letter i looks like the number one.
Janie also has a keen love for bacon. So much that she didn’t want to have any of mommy’s tasty waffle.
What’s better than bacon?! TWO pieces!!
This afternoon, we rode Caltrain down to Burlingame for dinner with Auntie and Uncle. On our way down, we were joined by lots of Giants fans leaving the game that had just finished. Luckily, we got to the station in time to board the train but there weren’t any seats. So we stayed in the bike car and sat on the floor.
Janie did a good job staying in one place and even got to stand up for a bit to look out the window.
When we arrived, uncle and auntie were waiting for us and Janie was happy to see them.
For dinner, we had pizza and Janie got some meatballs, pizza, and Daddy’s olives.
When she was done eating, she made some pretend calls to Auntie Jia across the table.
At the toy shop across the street, Janie played with a train set.
She also said “hello” to a certain spotted friend there.
We didn’t bring a stroller this evening and Janie did a good job holding a grown-up’s hand outside.
She also liked having her hands in her pockets the whole time.
Before heading back to the train station, we stopped for coffee and Janie read books with Uncle Jason.
At the train station, Janie sat on the bench and waited patiently for the train to arrive.
We had about 5 more minutes to spare so we got a quick family photo.
Here comes the train! It’s right on time!
On the ride home, she fell asleep sitting between Mommy and Daddy on the train.
…with Big GG.
This is one of her favorite books. Thanks for picking it out for her, Auntie Stephanie!
She’s almost ready to read this book to Cousin Alice.
Janie loves books and it’s so nice to have a library nearby.
They also have coloring pages and a big bucket of crayons. Score!
One of our favorite places to go for a casual dinner is Public House. It’s in the ballpark and they are so nice to Janie.
The nice guy brought us a highchair, a box of crayons, and lots of paper.
She enjoyed a yummy soup and half an apple.
After dinner, she looked through the books she brought in her backpack. We had just enough free time to watch some March Madness games.
For dinner, we met up with Dada for dinner at a restaurant. Janie tried to lock extra customers out while we waited for our table.
She also spied on the doggie outside in the patio. His owner noticed and waved to her.
Janie waited with her book with a clear view of the street from her seat.