Slumber Party!

Uncle Jason and Auntie Jia drove up today and the kids had so much fun eating dinner and dessert together.

Then it was a cousin slumber party in their bedroom.

They played Octonauts and then a game of Zingo.

Then they gathered around for stories. Janie did a great job reading to them.

It took them a while to settle down and fall asleep but overall they all did well.

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2nd Grade

I love having Thursdays off to volunteer in Janie’s class. I’ve gotten to know her teacher, her classmates, and the general flow of her day at school. Can you find her in the class?

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Learning to Read

Now that Peanut is almost four and knows his upper and lowercase letters, Dada has introduced him to the reading workbook that Janie used when she was around the same age. It was hard work but she learned to read with these daily lessons with Dada.

Peanut is really enjoying it and understands the concepts so far. Dada came home from work late this evening and Peanut made him do a lesson with him before heading to bed.

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Janie got a series of Pokemon chapter books from Sophie and Avia for her birthday. She’s had them for only 2 days and has finished 2 books already! Thanks to Auntie Ranee for picking the perfect gift for her!

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