Yai plays all kinds of games with Janie when Mama is away. This was caught on the webcam at home while Mama was on her way home from LA.
morning and night
These two…playing together in the morning when they wake up and in the evening before going to bed.
Mama was cleaning the house and found these wooden blocks that had been stored away. When Peanut started playing with them, he started stacking them! It’s amazing how much he knows without anyone teaching him. This video is funny because it’s a typical interaction between him and his sister. She says she’s “playing” with him but then he ends up with only 2 cubes…maybe none.
Here’s a video of Peanut trying to get to his big sister’s tower (likely to knock it down) but gets hugged instead. Then he actually stacks 5 blocks all on his own!
ball tower
I’m so glad I didn’t get rid of this toy just yet. It’s become one of Peanut’s favorite toys right now. It’s usually $20 at the store but I bought it at a garage sale for only $5 back when Janie was 2. He figured out the hammer a couple days ago and loves to pound away at those balls.
piggy bank
Peanut has figured out how to get the coin in the piggy bank! Yay!
Peanut has learned how to clink his cup with us. He practiced with big sister this evening.
He also started stacking his pears on top of his cup. This kid is learning new things all on his own.
the beach
In the evening, we went back to the beach. Both kids enjoyed playing in the sand.
Janie delivered water to their pile of sand while Peanut did some scooping with this hands.
new game
Peanut came up with a new game on his own this weekend.
Giraffe Toy!!
This is one of Mama’s favorite therapy toys and Peanut has mastered it! It’s so nice to see a kid figuring it out on his own. I’m so proud of this little guy.
Peanut had a fun time with Big Sister’s snowflake toys. It was fun watching him take them out and actually put them in. It was also funny to see him throw them whenever he was told “no”. I’m sure it won’t be funny in a couple more months.