wheeling around


Janie went to the annual BORP wheelchair basketball tournament with Mommy today.


It’s her 3rd time going and it’s fun to see how different she is each time we go.  The photo above is Janie at 3 weeks and 13 months of age.

This year, she was pushing and steering the wheelchair around like a big kid.


She also hung out with her pal Vivian, who was really interested in all of her toys and crayons.  I think they both had a big lesson in sharing this afternoon.


There was a garage sale just outside where Mommy bought a bunch of used toys for a real bargain.


It was so cute watching these two interact with each other.


Janie practiced her Spanish with Tia Patty and Little Henry seemed to recognize it too now that he’s at a Spanish-immersion day care.  Can’t wait to see them talking to each other in Spanish in another year or so.


We also brought the scooter along since we knew there would be a  wide-open blacktop for her to ride in circles to her heart’s content.

It looks like our kid is goofy foot (pushing with the left foot) and she’s mastered balancing on one leg on the scooter.


She also liked sitting in the stands with her snack during the games.  Boy, she’s really not a baby anymore.

IMG_4106Afterward, we went out for a snack at the usual taco bar.  She sat next to Vivian and shared her celery and carrots.


Janie also had two big spoonfuls of tomatillo salsa.  This kid seems to be able to eat just about anything.

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Scooter and Seafood


In the afternoon, Janie rode her scooter to Hog Island Oyster Co.


It took a really long time for us to get there at her pace and luckily she was willing to take a break after about 20 minutes of scooting.


It was a beautiful day to be outside.


Here’s Janie waiting to be seated.


She tried all kinds of seafood.  She had some smoked sturgeon from Mommy’s oyster fork.


She also tried baby octopus for the first time.


She loved the seafood stew (of course!) because it was a “SOUP!”


Ah…what a tasty dinner.  Time to burn it all off with a scooter ride home!



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warm outside


We had a very warm day in SF today so we had dinner outside.  Janie rode her tricycle to the restaurant this evening.


For dinner, she had clam chowder.  Check out the mess!

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While Mommy and Daddy finished dinner, she practiced her animal sounds and tried to name all the letters she could.


She also entertained herself with a bag of bracelets, necklaces, and rings.  It’s part of Mommy’s old work stash of toys.






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Birthday Scooter


For Janie’s 2nd birthday, we bought her a scooter.  It’s just like the one she fell in love with at Rowan and Isla’s house.  This morning she found it hiding in our bedroom and started rolling around on it in the bathroom.  So sneaky.


She couldn’t wait to try it out so I let her roll up and down the hallway in her pjs and without shoes.


Later when Auntie Jia and Great Auntie Jeanie came over, we took her down to the courtyard to play.  Luckily she didn’t mind wearing the helmet.


She had a slow start but once we got her on the ramp, she was flying!


She glided down the little hill and G-Auntie Jeanie guarded her from the front.


Look at this kid in action!!

This was her first time down the ramp without help.

She looks like a pro already. Maybe Uncle Johnny can teach you how to do bunny hops.

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birthday party fun


Janie went to Baby Isla’s 1st birthday party today and enjoyed playing with all of Rowan’s toys.  First was the pop mower.  She pushed that thing around until I had to hide it.  It’s fun but so loud!


She also played with Zoe for a bit but they both needed some time to warm up to each other.


Next was the Lightning McQueen car.  She climbed in and out like a pro and enjoyed playing with the steering wheel and button that makes sounds.


Before we left the party, she discovered the scooter.

She figured out on the first try. Amazing.

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