July 4th in Cerritos

Last night we drove down to Cerritos for the long weekend.

In the morning, Peanut and Leela went to the park. We also experienced an earthquake as we were getting buckled up in the car.

Back at Yai and Ta’s house, we had a barbecue and Peanut gobbled up a bunch of Thai BBQ chicken that Yai made.

All the cousins were at the house and Ta gave them all plenty to do. They had water balloons, regular balloons, and a sandbox too!

They also went on a little “hike” in the backyard jungle with walking sticks and all.

In the evening, we all went across the street to ride bikes and scooters.

As the sun went down, we drove to Uncle Johnny’s house to watch the fireworks from his backyard.

Happy Birthday, America!

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playing in the hotel


In the afternoon, we hung out in our hotel room for a bit to get some rest. Peanut woke up from his nap with lots of energy and curiosity. We started out on his blanket but quickly had to transition to a larger blanket on the floor because he was able to cover quite a bit of floor space. We started out with the blanket folded in half (in the picture below) but he just kept rolling and scooting off of it.


By the end of his playtime, this blanket had to be opened up entirely to almost cover the whole area between the couch and the dining table.


He also loved the full-length mirror in the bedroom and was just enamored by the chubby baby that kept copying every move that he made.



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6 months

IMG_7010It’s hard to believe that our little baby boy is 6 months old already.  Where does the time go? This past month has been full of ups and downs but overall it has been an exciting one.

IMG_7028He’s more of a little human now with lots of personality.  We’re also taking his monthly photos upright now.

IMG_7032Highlights of this past month:

  • He rang in the new year with the family.
  • Peanut said goodbye to his cousins who moved down to Southern California.
  • He’s rolling and rolling everywhere – at least to his left.
  • Sitting without support and pivoting from side to side now.
  • He’s enjoying Tummy Time more now and pushes up on his hands.
  • When he’s on his back, he’s always grabbing his feet.
  • Tolerates car rides so much better now and loves watching his sister in the backseat with him.
  • Plays with toys and tries to grab and eat everything within reach.
  • Started solids: avocado, banana, butternut squash, sweet potato, and apple.
  • Caught a stomach bug one weekend and then caught a terrible cold another week.
  • Mama went back to work and Peanut started staying home with Mirian and Andrea.
  • Wears mostly 12-18 month clothes and hes’ still in Size 4 diapers.
  • He went back to sleeping in the co-sleeper and doesn’t need to be swaddled as much anymore.  Unfortunately, he had to go back to sleeping in the rocker while he was sick.
  • He went back to sleeping through the night (about 9 hours) but then it got messed up every time he got sick.


Happy 6 months to our big boy! You’re growing up way too fast but we also can’t wait to see what kind of little person you’re going to become!



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