
I’m always fascinated by how much Janie can do now when I play with her on the floor.

Today we spent almost an hour this afternoon on the floor playing.

I watched her try to roll, manipulate toys, and play with her toes.  She’s really become a mover!

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182 days

We made it to the half-way point to one year today!  Janie is 26 weeks old!  Hooray!!

This week, she got her second tooth (on Wed 10/17) and also started eating solids for the first time.  Her first food was sweet potato and I think she enjoys the whole process of eating, playing with the food, and chewing on the spoon.  She’s sitting up nice and tall now and was trying her best to roll from back to front today but hasn’t quite mastered it.

She can get around to her side and throws her top leg and arm over but then gets stuck.  It’s ok…it’ll happen soon enough.

Here’s a video I took during our weekly photo shoot.  I love this kid.  Click here if you can’t see the video above.

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Two Little Monkeys

Janie had a good time playing with Sophie this afternoon.  She got to show off her rolling skills and did a little better with her sitting.

Unfortunately, Sophie had a bit too much to eat before playtime and spit up a little bit. Janie looked concerned.

It’s so much fun to watch these two play together.  Thanks for coming over, Sophie!

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This evening before going to bed, Janie was in the mood to play.  So, I put her on the floor and turned on the camera just in case she were to roll.  And guess what happened next?!  She rolled!!!  Woohoo!  I loved the amused look on her face when she got onto her side. Sorry for all the squealing and cheering on my end.  We’ve been working on this for a while.  I guess being sick doesn’t keep Janie from reaching her milestones!!!  Now…we should work on rolling the other way…heh heh.

Click here if you can’t see the video above.

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