We celebrated Dada’s birthday today at Uncle Jason’s house!! Peanut picked out the cool birthday hats.
First Flight
Today, the kids and Dada took their first flight since February. It’s a different experience now with having to wear masks and and empty plane.
With middle seats blocked, Peanut has plenty of room to spread out for a quick nap.
Our family of 4 had a row all to ourselves.
We made it to Long Beach and we are ready to celebrate Dada’s birthday this weekend!
The kids came up with a schedule for today complete with illustrations.
First Day of Distance Learning
We may be starting with Distance Learning but we still have to take a first-day-of-school photo!!
I remember what a milestone it was for Janie to start Kindergarten. Take a look at a comparison to her first day of K photo!! Both have the same cheesy excited smile. So cute.
After the photos, we all went back inside and hopped on their first Zoom class. Ms. Wells looks so nice and Peanut seemed to follow along just fine.
He made a First Day of Kindergarten crown and name tag just like Janie did!
Here he is wearing his gearn with the rest of the class.
This was Ms. Wells reading the class a story about Chester, their class mascot.
Here is Janie in her first class with Ms. Suzuki. She is an older and more experienced teacher with lots of rules and instructions. 3rd grade is a big jump from 2nd grade! What’s nice is that Janie’s old classmates from Ms. Bliss’ class are all back together again!
Ice Cream Sandwiches
We have a specific spot in the house where the kids eat their special treats.
I’m so thankful for it now because of this crazy mess of a dessert.
Mmmm…so good…but so messy.
Paw Patrol Desk
Auntie Jia had bought this desk for Peanut a while ago and it had been sitting in a box until now. He’s at the right age and it’s the perfect time to put it together and get some use out of it. With remote learning ahead of us, he needs a workspace for school and we tried it out today.
The kids kept up with their summer workbooks too.
Here is a drawing of a rocket ship. At first, I thought it was a shark. 🙂
Animal Crossing Birthday
The best part of having the family in our summer bubble is that we can have a birthday party! For Peanut’s 5th birthday, we had an Animal Crossing theme complete with presents with balloons, fishing, and lots of fruit.
Peanut also asked for a cake with marshmallows and strawberries. So that’s what he got!
We also made s’mores and they were so yummy!
Happy Birthday, Peanut!!!
Photos from Auntie Jia
While Mama is back home, Auntie Jia sends lots of photos of their everyday life. Today, they hung out at Ankong and Ama’s house.
Backyard BBQ
We had our very own Korean BBQ dinner in Alice and Leela’s backyard. Yum!
Mama’s Back!
Mama flew down to Cerritos again for the long holiday weekend!