Holiday Program

Peanut had his Holiday Program today and while he knew all the songs and we had heard him singing them for the past month, he didn’t sing as enthusiastically as we had hoped. He said it was because he had bit his tongue just before their turn to go on stage.

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Father’s Day Celebration

This afternoon, Peanut and his class did a little performance for all the dads. Dada couldn’t make it but Mama came to record the performance and enjoy some ice cream with him. He made this painted picture and sang a song.

This was their 4th time singing the song so Peanut looked a little less enthusiastic in this video. I just like this one because he’s standing up close and next to his best buddy Ethan.

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Janie had a performance this morning at school. It was a mix of singing and speaking parts telling us how we can keep our planet healthy.

We only got some short clips of the singing.

Here is Janie’s speaking part. She was too busy smiling at Dada when it was her turn and her friend Rory had to cue her. Oops. Luckily she still remembered her parts.

Jasper’s mom sent us a few photos and Dada was able to attend too.

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