He sits so nicely during “Language Works” time. They learned their body parts today.
Watch us grow!
He sits so nicely during “Language Works” time. They learned their body parts today.
Dada and Janie were running late for dinner so Peanut got started. He was so excited to sit in Big Sister’s chair at the table!
He happily ate his pasta with ground beef and spinach. Yum!
The evening started out well with the two kids watching Octonauts.
Then they got progressively goofier.
This little guy also seems to be in constant motion. I took a 2-minute clip of him “sitting” next to his sister while they watched Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood together.
We visited the aquarium today and Peanut had a fun time walking around like her owned the place.
His new favorite thing is backing up to things to sit down. I still remember when Janie was in that stage.
We went on the “living roof” before heading home and got a photo of this crazy kid.
Then she took a photo of Mama and Dada. Nice job!
Dr. Peanut paid us a visit again today. He actually puts the stethoscope on himself now and will put it back on after Mama has taken it off. Here is a picture of Dr. Peanut taking a milk break in between patients.
Our Peanut is becoming such a big boy. This afternoon, he was enjoying a seat in his big sister’s chair.
Then he got really comfy and enjoyed playing with big sister’s flashlight too while she was still at school.
And here’s a photo of him taken by his big sister. Janie made it black and white on purpose and said “it’s camouflage!”
Mimi dressed Peanut in shorts and shoes today.
Look at how cute he is!!
He was also so happy to be sitting on the step stool like a big kid today.
This big boy turned 10 months old today! Time has really flown by and our little baby is getting stronger, bigger, and more mischievous by the day. I’m surprised I was able to get a photo of him sitting still without trying to dive off the sofa or rip off the sticker.
Highlights from this past month:
Happy 10 Months, Peanut!!
After his evening bath, he was a little more refreshed and cracked a few smiles for Mama before bed.
Look how handsome he is with his hair combed. You can see his little dimple too.