Cuckoo Song
Cuckoo Song a video by beakatude on Flickr.
I asked Mirian if there was a song they sung at the library that had a “cuckoo” in it. She said, “Yes” so I asked her to record it for me today. Now I know what she was singing the other day!!
Hello Song
Hello Song a video by beakatude on Flickr.
Lately Janie has been saying “hai-low” while waving. I think she’s trying to say “hello” but then I discovered it’s coming from the Hello Song that she hears at the library every Tuesday and Thursday. I guess it’s a hybrid of “Hi, Hello”. Cute.
Here she is enjoying her bubbles at the end of story time. At home, she’s been imitating the teacher by standing on a stool, holding a cup and spoon, stirring the spoon, and then pretending to blow bubbles.