Friday outing


Mommy had the day off today so Janie took a quick early nap and then went out for lunch with Dada.


She was really antsy at lunch but luckily a little lemonade in your butterfly water cup can really help distract a girl.


After lunch, she ran around Yerba Buena Gardens to burn off some of her rainy-day energy.  She chased the pigeons, went up and down steps, and climbed on a few benches.




Once we got home, both Janie and Mommy took a two-hour nap.  Aaaah…that was just what we needed.

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We had Mommy and Me brunch this morning at La Boulange Bakery.  Janie had a tasty beet salad, quiche, and cauliflower tart.


A little bird came by to eat her crumbs and it was very reminiscent of the good ol’ days with Koa at her feet.


We had a lovely time sharing brunch in the patio and watching the buses go by.


After a quick trip to Target next door, we went across the street to play at Yerba Buena Playground.


She enjoyed going up the stairs and down the big slides with Mommy.


She was almost ready to go down by herself.  Maybe next time.

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public transit


Janie went to Oakland this evening with Mommy and she took Muni AND BART to get there.  She loved watching the trains go by as we waited for ours.


She also enjoyed seeing all the people go in and out of the trains during the evening commute hour.


Once we got to the restaurant in Oakland, she played with the crayons that the server put on the table and Auntie Sara helped out with coloring her menu.


She also tried to share her snack with the little girl at the next table.


When it was time to go home, she waited on the platform and got a little scared of the zooming cars on the freeway nearby.  Mommy was thankful for that because she stayed very close to her stroller.


Her favorite part was riding the escalator like a big girl.  She did a great job holding Mommy’s hand and going though the turnstyles without hesitating.


Taking public transporation is fun!  Where should we go next?!

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Girls only!


Janie went to Auntie Patty’s house to hang out with her pals Zoe, Kylie, Kaitlyn, and Lauryn this afternoon.


She followed them around and they let her into their Girls Only Club.  Grown-ups weren’t allowed so Mommy stood at the door and watched the girls pow-wow together.


Kaitlyn, the oldest of the gang, took good care of her and helped her up the stairs and into the laundry basket “boat”.

Descending Stairs a video by beakatude on Flickr.

She got a lot of practice on the stairs this afternoon and mastered going down the stairs on her own.


Mochi, Koa’s brother, also lives at the house and Janie was delighted to see him.


She would point to him and call out “Go-Go!” and followed him around the house.  She tried to snuggle him a few times but he would just run away – unlike Koa who would just sit and take it.

Mochi a video by beakatude on Flickr.

Here she is stalking him in the backyard.


What a fun afternoon!

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