Rock Wall
For lunch today, we went to Rock Wall Winery in Alameda. It was warm enough to sit outside for lunch.
This guy is such a clown.
The kids enjoyed the view of SF from the other side of the bay today.
lookin’ slim
There’s something about this photo that makes Peanut look slim and trim suddenly!
Pushing the Chair
Not sure what he was up to but it was funny watching him.
350 days
Peanut is 50 weeks old today! Take a look at those chompers on that smile!
He was having a bit of a GI bug this week but it didn’t seem to bother him as much as the person who had to change his diapers and clean up his puke. Otherwise, we had quite an uneventful week. The only new food he tried this week was raspberry. He’s also starting to stand for a few seconds without holding on to something.
Happy 50 weeks, Peanut!! Love you!
Peanut managed to get himself behind his toy boxes today and was pleased as punch to access his toys from a new angle.
I also noticed that has was standing without holding onto anything!
He also found the plants very interesting and tried to pull on the leaves. He got mad each time I said “NO” to him.
Happy Friday!
Peanut was napping by the time we arrived home so we took Janie out for a snack and outdoor time. At The Yard, there was a mini arcade and Janie had a fun time pretending to play.
The artificial lawn outside was fun for running and rolling around.
She also did some jumping and crashing on one of the inflatable couches outside.
Once Peanut was up and had his milk, we picked him up early so Mimi could go home.
We went down to MoMo’s for Happy Hour – they have $1 oysters!!
Janie played with her Gups while we waited for the food to arrive and she immediately started cleaning up when the oysters arrived. Now THAT’S motivation!!
When we got home for dinner, Peanut chatted with Yai and Ta and also made a giant mess with his books and toys.
He seems to always be up to no good lately.
Curious Peanut
Mama made this buttoning snake in her class today and brought it home for Janie to test.
She really liked it and all the parts stayed together.
Meanwhile, Little Brother is standing behind her trying to get a closer look at what she’s doing.
“Mama, why can’t I play too?!”
Eventually, Peanut got in at the table but Janie had already hidden the buttoning snake.
So, they played with his ball instead.
South Beach Harbor Playground
It looked like a nice sunny day at the playground today. Peanut actually kept his hat on too!
10 months
This big boy turned 10 months old today! Time has really flown by and our little baby is getting stronger, bigger, and more mischievous by the day. I’m surprised I was able to get a photo of him sitting still without trying to dive off the sofa or rip off the sticker.
Highlights from this past month:
- Teeth: two more bottom teeth!
- Gross Motor: He’s pulling to stand, cruising, and crawling all over the place!
- Fine Motor: Shaking stuff is his jam right now. I think he learned it from story time at the library. They give all the kids bells to shake for certain songs. He’s also gotten a lot better at turning his pacifier around and putting it in his mouth when he’s trying to sleep.
- Speech: Still says “da” and “ma” and has added “na” and “ba”.
- Sleep: He sleeps in his pack-n-play most nights now and consistently goes to sleep around 7pm, wakes at midnight, and then again at 4am. If he wakes at any other time at night, he usually puts himself back to sleep. He’s also sleeping on his side and tummy more often too.
- Illnesses: I feel like he’s had a snotty nose and cough throughout this whole month of May. He also had a low-grade fever for 3-4 days last week. Poor baby.
- Eating: This boy LOVES to eat and we’ve been giving him more beef and eggs to bump up the iron content in his diet. He’s moving away from purees and taking small pieces of tablefood like a champ now.
- Personality: He’s a pretty noisy kid and seems to do it to make sure the family knows he’s around. He’s especially loud and demanding during meals. If Mama is not fast enough with putting more food in front of him, she screams. He’s learning the word “more” by signing and he will do it sometimes. But most of the time, he bangs on the tray or makes a loud noise.
Happy 10 Months, Peanut!!