Janie went to pick up Alice from school today.
Meanwhile, Peanut stayed with Yai to get a manipure and pedicure. Haha.
Watch us grow!
Janie went to pick up Alice from school today.
Meanwhile, Peanut stayed with Yai to get a manipure and pedicure. Haha.
The kids are back at Yai and Ta’s house for one more day before flying home. So Leela and Alice came over and they walked to Tutti Frutti for some frozen yogurt. So fun!
Last night we drove down to Cerritos for the long weekend.
In the morning, Peanut and Leela went to the park. We also experienced an earthquake as we were getting buckled up in the car.
Back at Yai and Ta’s house, we had a barbecue and Peanut gobbled up a bunch of Thai BBQ chicken that Yai made.
All the cousins were at the house and Ta gave them all plenty to do. They had water balloons, regular balloons, and a sandbox too!
They also went on a little “hike” in the backyard jungle with walking sticks and all.
In the evening, we all went across the street to ride bikes and scooters.
As the sun went down, we drove to Uncle Johnny’s house to watch the fireworks from his backyard.
Happy Birthday, America!
Last night, Janie was complaining of pain in her foot. She couldn’t walk or stand on it and couldn’t sleep. This morning wasn’t any better so she stayed inside to play.
Meanwhile, Peanut got one last ride on the bike in the backyard.
Before heading back up to Alameda, we got all the cousins together for a photo.
We also got our big family group photo done too. It was cool to have Koa still in the photo in the background.
I’ll have to dig up our earlier photos for comparison.
Today is Janie’s 7th birthday and it happened to fall on a Saturday! So, we celebrated on her actual birthday with Legos, Pokemon, smoked brisket and ribs, and cake.
We hired a group called Bricks4Kids to come and run activities for all the kids.
Mama also decorated the cake with Pokemon.
The kids all gathered around the table and sang “Happy Birthday”.
Janie also got to make the first cut in the cake.
She ended up with lots of presents and Ta called to sing “Happy Birthday” to her too.
What a fun party!
This morning, Alice came over and we all had breakfast together.
Then it was time to pack up, take some group photos, and get started on our drive home.
We had such a fun time with the family this past week and the girls gave each other one last big hug before saying goodbye.
Ta gave the kids a bunch of balloons to blow up and this is how Peanut decided to play with them.
It’s Christmas Eve so we went to Disneyland!!! We got our tickets online so we entered the park via Monorail. Peanut was so excited because there’s a monorail in his truck book.
We rode a bunch of rides today and Peanut was fired up about “driving” Dumbo up and down.
Janie was a little worried at first but she rode Thunder Mountain Railroad TWICE and loved it. The first time, she sat with Mama and Alice. On the second ride, she got to ride with just Alice. She’s growing up too quickly.
At Critter Country, we got a family photo with Pooh. Janie was brave enough to give him a hug this year. Unfortunately, Peanut was not so into him.
When it was time for Peanut to take a nap, the girls took a ride to Tom Sawyer’s Island to do some exploring.
Peanut kept sleeping so we went on a few more rides.
One of those rides was Space Mountain!! Mama and Janie got a front seat and the ride was SO FAST!!
Here’s the photo that was taken of us at the end of the ride.
After Peanut woke up from his massive 3-hour nap, we hurried over the It’s a Small World
He was also fired up to ride the Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters ride.
Janie also rode Matterhorn for the first time even when Alice was too scared to go. We were so proud of her.
Peanut LOVED riding the Astro Orbitor
At the end of the night, we managed to get some photos taken in front of the castle. The middle one of the kids always makes me laugh.
Before heading home, we took a ride around the entire park on the Disneyland Railroad. The kids were able to stay up until the park closed at midnight. So fun!
What a fun day!!!
We went to Thai Nakorn for dinner tonight for our annual Christmas Thai Feast with Mama’s cousins and kids. It was a smaller crowd this year with Uncle Pish out of town but we still had a good time.
This evening, the kids went to Snowflakes with Ta, Yai, Uncle Johnny, Auntie Joy, Alice, and Leela.
The girls got shave ice and Peanut had some of Yai’s Dole Whip.
It was their last night together before heading back to the Bay Area. What fun it has been to be able to spend so much time with family.