First Day of School Part 2

After a whole year of remote learning, it’s the First Day of In-person School!! Yaaaaay! Peanut finally gets to attend Amelia Earhart School and see his teacher and classmates in person. It will be abbreviated but still worth the trouble.

With the different start and end times, we made arrangements for Janie to ride her bike to school with Maya, her older brother, and some other 5th graders. She was super excited about that.

Peanut also rode his bike to school with Mama and Dada. This is similar to how we walked KK to school on her first day of Kindergarten.

When we arrived, we took a couple photos and then went to the gate to meet his teacher, Ms. Wells. They all lined up 6 feet apart and then walked into the classroom together. So cute.

Here’s a side-by-side of Janie and Peanut’s first day of Kindergarten. So similar but so different at the same time.

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First Day of Distance Learning

We may be starting with Distance Learning but we still have to take a first-day-of-school photo!!

I remember what a milestone it was for Janie to start Kindergarten. Take a look at a comparison to her first day of K photo!! Both have the same cheesy excited smile. So cute.

After the photos, we all went back inside and hopped on their first Zoom class. Ms. Wells looks so nice and Peanut seemed to follow along just fine.

He made a First Day of Kindergarten crown and name tag just like Janie did!

Here he is wearing his gearn with the rest of the class.

This was Ms. Wells reading the class a story about Chester, their class mascot.

Here is Janie in her first class with Ms. Suzuki. She is an older and more experienced teacher with lots of rules and instructions. 3rd grade is a big jump from 2nd grade! What’s nice is that Janie’s old classmates from Ms. Bliss’ class are all back together again!

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Kindergarten Packet Pick-up

Today was Peanut’s packet pick-up day. It was another drive-by event.

When it was time to receive his materials, we asked if this teacher was Ms. Wells and it was!! It was a great coincidence that his assigned teacher was the one that gave him his packet!!! She looks really nice!

Peanut got all his school supplies, a Chrome book, and materials for the first 4 weeks of school.

This is what was in his first week packet. So exciting!

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Preschool Graduation 2020

It’s Peanut’s Graduation Day from preschool. He started as a Honeybee when he was 20 months old and went all the way up to the Pre-Kindergarten class. With the pandemic and shelter-in-place, graduation was modified to a drive-by event. We lined up in our cars and Auntie Eleen decorated their minivan for the occasion.


When it was Peanut’s turn, his teachers were there to greet him and presented him with a certificate and tassel.

His buddy Ethan was also right behind us in their car!

Afterward, we met up at the ferry parking lot to take some photos.

Here is Peanut with his buddy Maya. Thanks for the candy lei!!

Congratulations to our Peanut!! Kindergarten, here we come!

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Ride to Open House

This evening, Janie had Open House at school. It was warm enough to ride their scooters to school so they led the way while Mama ran behind them.

At school, there were all kinds of things to see. Janie wrote 3 ways she can help the Earth:

  1. Picking up trash when I see.
  2. I can ask my parents to drive our car less.
  3. I can eat less meat.

These are the items that were on display on her desk. She’s done a lot of work this year.

Janie also took a photo with her teacher, Ms. Bliss. She’s a great teacher and we are so happy she will have her again for 2nd grade.

After Open House, we rode/ran home and made it home before the sun went down. So fun!

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