The babies had tummy time together and “shared” some toys. It was like watching puppies play together.
First Christmas
This was Peanut’s first Christmas!
Luckily, we were able to reuse this onesie from when his sister had her first Christmas.
It’s also Toni and Thomas’ first Christmas and we got a photo of all the cousins together.
one last dip
We definitely made the most of our stay at the Sheraton Waikiki on this trip. I think we went in the pool every single day we were here – including this morning!
We went in for one last dip in the pool as a family and got all the kids together at one time!
How cute are they?!?!
Thanks to Jamie (Sophie’s dad), we got a group photo of the whole family. I love that you can see all our faces at once.
What a fun vacation!!! We can’t wait to go back again!
We drove to Kailua to visit Auntie Yoon, Uncle Kurt, and Trevor.
They bought a new house and invited us over for lunch!
Trevor has lots of toys to play with and Peanut tried out the bouncer. He didn’t like it until he realized he could stand up and play.
Trevor wanted to hangout with his new buddy.
We also did some laundry so Peanut hung out in his diaper for a bit. Having warm weather has its advantages!
Janie played with her coloring set after lunch and did a great job staying busy.
Thanks for all the yummy food, Auntie Yoon!!
after the pool
When everyone was done with swimming, Janie relaxed in the lounge chair.
Peanut sat at the poolside restaurant with his cousins. Nowadays, it’s hard to believe that he’s 2 months younger than Toni and Thomas.
Waikiki Beach morning
Janie loves being so close to the beach.
She got up this morning ready to do more scooping and digging in the sand and water.
The babies also had their time in the morning sun together.
Peanut had a good time sitting in the sand and feeling it with his hands and feet.
I think he may have eaten some too.
This morning, after dropping Janie off at school, we drove to Fremont to get Mama and Dada’s eyes checked. Since Auntie Jia is our optometrist, the cousins all got to see each other again!
Peanut tried on some glasses today. Mama is a sucker for kids with glasses.
Belated Thanksgiving
Uncle Jason and Auntie Jia returned from Seattle yesterday so we postponed Thanksgiving dinner to today. They came over and the kids all played on the floor together while Dada was making the turkey.
Janie made the crescent rolls on her own today and helped herself to one while dinner was getting finished up. The chef has to taste her food, right?!
I think Peanut wanted one too.
All the kids sat at the table today in celebration of the babies’ first Thanksgiving. Toni and Thomas brought their feeder seats and had avocado!! Yum.
Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
no pants
No pants are the best pants.
These two boys would certainly agree.
Dinner with the Family
The cousins came over this afternoon and the babies had Tummy Time together.
Why does Peanut look so huge?! Oh wait, because HE IS!
We also went out for an early dinner in Chinatown. At the end of the meal, the twins were getting their bottles, Janie got a story with Dada, Uncle Jason checked his email, and Peanut played with his blanket.
Good times…