Boy, going out with Uncle Jason and Auntie Jia is now a different experience. We’ve gone from a party of 5 to a party of 8 in a matter of months. We went to the SF Zoo together today and had the twins in their stroller, Peanut in a carrier with Dada, and Janie in her stroller.
Before seeing the animals, we had a picnic at the zoo playground. All the babies also got fed and Peanut snoozed in the sun for a few minutes while Mama put away all the food and trash.
After lunch, the babies all fell asleep and Peanut borrowed Janie’s stroller.
We used the infant insert of the Ergo to snuggle him tight in the flattened stroller seat.
Janie took Toni and Thomas around to her favorite animals and the hippo was awake!
Then we rode the train and carousel. Janie has really perfected her Queen Elsa wave.
It was another fun day at the zoo!!
For dinner, we went to a Chinese restaurant and took up a big table in the corner.
Peanut was awake for some of dinner and sat on Mama’s lap and then Dada’s lap too.