The kids worked together to build and decorate this haunted house.
Here it is in all its icing and candy glory.
Peanut and Thomas worked on their drawing of the house together too.
Watch us grow!
The kids worked together to build and decorate this haunted house.
Here it is in all its icing and candy glory.
Peanut and Thomas worked on their drawing of the house together too.
Today is Dada’s actual birthday so the kids gave him the cards they made for him.
After lunch, we had birthday ice cream cake!
We celebrated Dada’s birthday today at Uncle Jason’s house!! Peanut picked out the cool birthday hats.
It’s the last full day in Southern California for the kids. They spent art of the day at the pool again. Look at these two twinsies!
Had dinner with Ankong and Ama and got a group photo! Everyone is smiling!
We went to Huntington Beach today!!
What a beautiful day!!
On the way back to Yai’s house, we stopped at Shake Shack. Yum…
The kids spent with the day with Toni and Thomas!
Of course there was pool time and lunch together.
Peanut even managed to get a nap in on the sofa too!
The best part of having the family in our summer bubble is that we can have a birthday party! For Peanut’s 5th birthday, we had an Animal Crossing theme complete with presents with balloons, fishing, and lots of fruit.
Peanut also asked for a cake with marshmallows and strawberries. So that’s what he got!
We also made s’mores and they were so yummy!
Happy Birthday, Peanut!!!
While Mama is back home, Auntie Jia sends lots of photos of their everyday life. Today, they hung out at Ankong and Ama’s house.
It’s just another day in Cerritos with the family! This evening, they had a BBQ in Alice and Leela’s backyard complete with food, obstacle courses, and a campfire with s’mores!