Peanut helped Mama make dinner today.
Octopus Lunch
Janie helped make lunch today. She sliced the hot dogs and cooked them on the stove to turn them into octopuses.
They were added to the ramen that Daddy made for them.
Super Bowl Refreshments
Janie received a kids’ cookbook for Christmas and picked out a few things she wanted to make for Super Bowl.
We each got a different drink to enjoy during the game.
Little Chef
Janie is becoming more and more confident with using a knife. She now cuts up her own fruit and helps Dada with prepping the veggies for dinner.
Hot Pot
Turkey Cookies
The kids decorated turkey cookies today! The icing was pretty thick but they managed to get the job done.
Here’s Janie’s completed cookie!
Halloween Homework
This guy had a packet pick-up this week and got a fireman helmet from the Alameda Fire Department.
He also had a Halloween activity to finish before school tomorrow.
Peanut has these flipbooks that he has to make some weeks. He follows along with the video that one of the teachers posted.
Play Dough
The kids have rediscovered play dough and spent all afternoon making cookies, noodles, pancakes, and all kinds of other things.
Here’s Janie’s blueberry cake with a giant blueberry on top and tiny blueberries all around it.
Peanut mixed some colors and made rainbow cookies.
Home All Day
This is the new normal for us. No longer are we spending all day going from one activity to another. In fact, the kids have not been in the car much these past two weeks. Today, we cooked, we played games, and we cleaned. The kids love being home and not having to go to swim, kung fu, and soccer all day. Let’s see how much longer before they get bored.