Morning in Kailua

Auntie Yoon picked us up from the airport last night and we slept over at her house. The kids loved playing with Trevor and had McDonald’s for breakfast.

We also went to the Farmer’s Market nearby and picked up lunch.

Later in the day, we went to the park/school yard behind their house to play on the playground and fly a kite.

What a nice way to relax on our first day in Hawaii. Thank you to Auntie Yoon and Uncle Kurt for hosting us!

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Day at the Beach

It’s Valentine’s Day and we were up early as expected on the first day in Hawaii. It was nice to be able to watch the sunrise from our lanai.

The kids wanted to go to the beach so we packed up and headed down.

We set up camp and pretty much stayed the whole day.

Toni and Thomas arrived a little later.

Auntie Yoon and Uncle Kurt showed up by lunchtime with Trevor and we spent the rest of the day with them.

The day ended with an ice cream delivery by Dada and Peanut.

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Chocolate Fountain

We are in Southern California for the week! One of our first gatherings was at Uncle Dayantha’s house. Trevor (Auntie Yoon’s son), Oliver (Uncle Dayantha’s son), as well as Andrew and Sienna (Holly’s kids) came over for some fun!

Andrew brought over his chocolate fountain and the kids LOVED it.

By the end, chocolate was everywhere. Leela was thoroughly enjoying one of her favorite things in the world – CHOCOLATE!


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Gift Exchange

For lunch, we went to Uncle Dayantha’s house to hang out with Mama and Dada’s old friends from high school. We also brought Alice and Leela to the party.

We had a gift exchange where the kids gave a gift to one friend each.

Auntie Holly also brought a treasure box for the kids to pick what they wanted.

The kids made a big mess but had a great time. Auntie Krissy even brought out crafts for the kids to do together. So fun!! Thanks to Uncle Dayantha, Auntie Krissy, and Oliver for hosting!!!

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Christmas Trolley

This evening, we met up with Auntie Yoon for a sushi dinner and then a ride on the Christmas Trolley.

They dressed up for the occasion and were ready for a ride around downtown to see all the lights.

Peanut got a seat right up front with the driver and had fun singing and dancing to the music they played during the ride.

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Mommy and Daddy took Auntie Yoon and Uncle Kurt to dinner tonight so the kids stayed in the hotel room with a babysitter named Rowan. They had pizza, played video games, and made ornaments.

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Auntie Yoon’s House

This evening, we drove to Kailua for dinner at Auntie Yoon’s house. The drive was long enough for both kids to get a nap. Peanut kept sleeping another 45 minutes once we arrived.

The kids played with Trevor, who loves Paw Patrol and trucks too.

Janie did some of her homework before dinner and drew a cool picture of her swimming in the ocean and going down the big slide.

While the grownups ate, the kids were treated to dinner in front of the tv.

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Holiday Lights Trolley


Auntie Yoon bought us tickets for the Holiday Lights Trolley tonight!


We all hopped on a party trolley complete with Christmas lights and festive music blasting.


Peanut stood with Dada for most of the ride and danced to the music.

I think he had the best time.



We arrived Downtown right at the same time as the Tsaos! They had just walked over from their car and we waved to each other as the trolley drove by.


There was a huge display including a Shaka Santa and lots of trees inside.





We had so much fun! Thanks again, Auntie Yoon!



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