This boy likes looking at himself in the “mirror”.
98 days
Look who’s 14 weeks old today! I still can’t believe he’s past the 3-month mark.
Highlights of the past week:
- We’ve officially moved up to Size 3 diapers. Anyone need Size 2?! I have lots to give away.
- Peanut took his 4th flight on Wednesday and he’s such a good traveler.
- He also went to Disneyland for the first time. Although he slept through a lot of the day, he was up enough to enjoy the sights and sounds – especially the Light the Night Parade.
- Fussiness during the day has increased these past couple days. Hopefully it’s just a growth spurt or something. Today, he was in a much better mood overall.
- Peanut still loves being carried in the Ergo and still hates being the car. However, he has become a bit more tolerant of car rides if Mama is in the back seat entertaining him.
- His longest stretch of sleep is averaging 7 hours at night.
- He is one chatty little dude and it’s so much fun to see him so interactive with us. Belly laughs are coming more frequently too.
- Today, he rolled from his tummy to his back again. He also started showing interest in the O-ball. His hands are also constantly in his mouth, which leads to lots of soggy shirts and bibs.
Happy 14 weeks!!!
This morning, all three cousins hung out together in the livingroom.
What a ham…
This baby is so entertained by his own image. We don’t have a mirror at home so we use the front-facing camera on the iPad to keep him entertained during Tummy Time.
Floor Time
Janie slept on the floor last night and Peanut joined her this morning.
This baby is getting so strong in prone!!
These two are so cute!!!
It was a total accident but he rolled for the first time today!!
Happy Apple
The Happy Apple makes Peanut happy.
Chatting with Dada
Peanut was in a great mood this morning. He did some tummy time on Dada’s tummy and had a lot to say.
morning exercise
He’s getting better at this Tummy Time thing lately. Mr. Crab keeps him company when he’s doing his exercise.
His workout was so hard that he fell asleep for a really long nap (on his tummy!) afterward.