161 days

Janie is 23 weeks old today!  This week she conquered her first cold and also rolled from her tummy to her back (from the right side) for the first time!

She’s also sitting up a little better now and has been experimenting with her balance.  As you can see in this photo, it takes a lot of concentration.  It gives her the same turtle face she used to make when she was trying to lift her head up during Tummy Time.

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Tummy Time on Daddy

This morning, Janie spent her morning Tummy Time propped up on Daddy’s tummy.  She tolerated the activity a little longer than usual despite having the hiccups and got her head up pretty high several times.  I think it’s so funny and cute when she works so hard that her eyes cross.  She looks like a turtle when she has to concentrate that hard.  It’s also funny that she likes to nom-nom on her sleeves during break time.  Click here if you can’t see the video above.

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