Tonight we went down to Foster City to visit Uncle Jason and Auntie Jia.
They just moved into their new apartment and Janie supervised the assembly of their new furniture.
Welcome back to California, Uncle and Auntie!!!
Watch us grow!
Tonight we went down to Foster City to visit Uncle Jason and Auntie Jia.
They just moved into their new apartment and Janie supervised the assembly of their new furniture.
Welcome back to California, Uncle and Auntie!!!
Doesn’t Janie look so small in Uncle Jason’s lap? They headed back to NYC tonight and Janie enjoyed having them around for the past 4 days. See you again in October!!!
This afternoon I found Janie standing on Uncle Jason’s chest. This was quite a funny scene.
“Hello Uncle. I rule you. If you make me mad, I’ll poop on you again.”
Janie had storytime with Auntie Jia and Uncle Jason this evening.
Uncle Jason seemed to enjoy reading some of her books too.
Here’s storytime in action. Click here if you can’t view the video above.
Look who just arrived! Uncle Jason and Auntie Jia are in town from NYC to look for a place to live. We can’t wait to have them back in California for more playtime with Janie!
Little Janie’s still not too sure about Uncle Jason. He sorta looks like Daddy but he’s so much bigger! I also like how Koa inserted himself into the photo. What a ham.
Here’s Uncle Jason holding Janie for the first time using the “cradle” or “football” hold. This was on Friday when he arrived.
Two days later, Uncle Jason advanced to the “over the shoulder” hold. Janie helped him out a bit by holding her head up and doing a one-arm push-up on his chest.
Little Janie went out to Union Square with her Uncle and Auntie. We took her in the carrier and she really enjoyed all the noise and motion.
She napped for most of the outing but also woke up to look around. Don’t worry, that scowl on her face is normal. She was having a good time.
This was also her first time taking public transportation. She’s a big city girl now!
Little Janie met her Uncle Jason and Auntie Jia today. They flew in this afternoon from New York City.