Peanut was back in school today after a fun-filled Ski Week in Hawaii. He made a tan-gram picture.
We also took a walk along the lagoon for “recess”. He decided to bring his latest Lego creation along for a test drive.
Watch us grow!
Peanut was back in school today after a fun-filled Ski Week in Hawaii. He made a tan-gram picture.
We also took a walk along the lagoon for “recess”. He decided to bring his latest Lego creation along for a test drive.
We went back to El Dorado Park this morning for their Nature Center Trail. It started out great with lots of enthusiasm and curiosity.
Then slowly the boy started to get tired and hungry and it was all downhill from there.
There was a lot of cajoling and negotiating for the latter half of the walk. Peanut was so unhappy and said he “couldn’t walk anymore”. *sigh*
He fell asleep just minutes after getting back in the car so maybe he really was tired. We’re gonna have to build up his walking muscles and bring a snack next time.
Peanut has been learning about broad leaves and coniferous leaves in science. Today, one of his assignments was to go on a scavenger hunt.
We found all the things on the list and brought home a broad leaf!
We took a walk today and went past Peanut’s old school.
This morning, Peanut was up early and went on a morning walk with Mama.
He brought his camera along and got some photos of the pretty morning sky and the water.
He also did a little jogging on the way home and found an excavator!
It’s warm outside so it’s another pool day!
Uncle Johnny and Mama took the kids to the park to catch Pokemon today.
The kids spent time at Auntie Jia’s house and did some coloring in the “classroom” at their house.
They also went for a walk to the playground.
This is a fun recess!
Then it was lunchtime and Alice and Leela joined them.
We went one a family walk this warm evening. This photo of Dada and Janie reminded me of what they used to do every morning to get to work and school.
We ended up at a bench near the ferry dock and watched the sun go down.
This morning we got up early and took an Uber to Diamond Head State Monument.
We met up with the Tsaos and were determined to get all the kids up the mountain.
Peanut had a slow start at first but he managed to get up the mountain all on his own.
The girls were up ahead and did great!
The kids took the 100 steps up to the top and went through the dark tunnel too.
We had to take a photo oat the top of the mountain! It was about 20 years ago that Mama and Dada first hiked up this crater together.
On the way down, Dada gave Peanut a little ride on the steeper parts.
At the bottom, we got some cold pineapple juice and Dole Whip.
Janie brought her camera along and took these photos of Mama and Peanut.
After our trolley ride back to Waikiki and some lunch at Duke’s, we headed back to the pool for some more swimming.
Then we went back upstairs to shower but made a point to hang out on the lanai to enjoy the sunset.
Dinner was pretty late but we had some good food at Highway Inn.
Peanut slept right through it and Janie stayed up long enough to eat and then fell asleep on the ride home. They had a lot of activity today and it was no surprise they were so tired by the end of the day.