First Day of Kindergarten


Janie is officially a kindergartener!! Her first day at Amelia Earhart School was today and it was went well!


Mama and Dada took the day off and we walked along the lagoon to get to school.


Here she is in front of the Amelia Earhart statue.


We arrived at the playground and she hung up her backpack.


There were only a few minutes to play on the playground and there were SO MANY people there in one place. At 8:20am, her teacher came out to greet everyone and they all went inside Room 14.


Parents were invited to spend the first hour in class so we got to see all 24 kids sitting on the rug together for their instructions. Their names were called one at a time to go find their desks.


Janie’s seat was right next to her pal Gavin! There were 4 projects to complete: a name tag with beads, a racoon mask, rainbow name, and two coloring pages.


She completed all the activities pretty much on her own and loved using the new school supplies that she got in the pencil box on her desk. The PTA supplied new crayons, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, pencil, and the pencil box.



What a great first day in Ms. Kuoch’s class! She also spent the afternoon in AIK (Alameda Island Kids) afterschool program. Luckily Gavin is also going there so the transition was super easy.


She came home with her projects including a lesson on the solar eclipse that occurred today. She also got special glasses to view the eclipse outside.

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Apology Letter


One of the rules at home is to ask permission before going outside. Well, this morning, Gavin came by before school and Janie went outside without asking. Dada was upstairs taking a shower at the time and came down to find the door wide open and Janie outside. On the ferry ride to school, Dada asked her to think about what she did wrong and write a letter to him. Her note said “Dada sorry that I was doing a bad choice. Dada I love you this much.”


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Almost 5


Mama left Janie a note on the board this morning. She wrote back with “No. I am almost 5.” Somehow being almost 5 is WAY better than being 4.


Here’s our last photo of our 4-year-old right before going to bed. This little sassy-pants is gonna love being 5 tomorrow. She hasn’t stopped talking about her birthday all month.

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message board


We put up a white board near the kitchen and I left a drawing and message for Janie. What’s funny is that she wrote back. It says “We are haveing a good day Little Guy!” So cute.

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Morning Drop-off


This morning, Mama took Janie to school and she was so excited to tell everyone that her mom was dropping her off today.


She signed her name at the front, showed off some of her artwork in the classroom, and then sat down at the writing table with her friends.


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Tomorrow is Sota’s last day at school before he moves back to Japan. Janie wrote a nice card for him and included some silly pictures of them.

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It says:

Dear Sota Wota (his nickname),

Thank you for being my friend and always making me laugh. You’re so silly. I will miss you.

Love Kaylee

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Card for Mama


Janie came home with a birthday card for Mama today. She made it at school at the writing station. Too bad she’s 8 months early on the birthday.

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I think it says the following:

Mama I love you. Happy B. You are so silly. I really love you.

I don’t know what the last line says.

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