Janie wanted to help make the grocery list today. She needed help with some of the spelling but did a nice job writing the words. She even drew a picture of each of the items on the left of each word. In case you can’t tell what they are, it says “milk, PeAS, PORk, Plum.
Janie has been working in her math/numbers book and it’s amazing how quickly she learned how to write them.
In this exercise, she had to count the dots and write the number underneath.
dinner list
Janie made a list of all the things we were going to eat tonight. Dada was making Khao Mun Gai (Chicken Rice) – one of her favorite things to eat! In case you can’t read her writing, it says “chicken”, “cilantro”, “rice”, and “sauce”.
reading and writing
Peanut was enjoying one of his favorite books this afternoon.
Janie rediscovered her Boogie Board and wrote the word “computer”. That’s also a drawing of a laptop underneath it.
Family Drawings
Janie drew her family this morning. She tried to label them herself too.
I love how she spelled “Peanut Tyler”. I can see where she was going there.
making progress
Janie is making progress on her homework lessons. She’s still pretty enthusiastic about it each night and we are so happy. Certain lessons that used to frustrate her have become almost too easy for her.
Her writing is also coming along nicely. In this video she is writing the letter “n”.
Wednesday night
Janie did some painting with watercolors this evening.
This one is called “Flying Swords!”
Then she painted Captain Barnacles. Not bad, kid.
She also did a reading lesson with Dada and then practiced writing the letters d, r, and e with Mama.
Every evening (Sunday through Thursday) before bed, Janie does a lesson in her reading/writing book. She’s been doing this for about two weeks and she’s getting the hang of sounding out letters, putting them together, and also rhyming. Unfortunately, she also has a very good visual memory so she tries to cheat sometimes or gets ahead of herself. We are lucky that she finds this fun and that the lessons are short (~12 minutes each night). Dada usually does the reading lesson and Mama does the writing lesson. With Dada gone, Mama has to work on both parts.
Each lesson also ends with writing 2-3 sounds/letters. Tonight, she practiced s and d. For lots of the letters, the Handwriting Without Tears method works like a charm.
Wednesday evening
Peanut was hanging out in the pack-n-play this evening while Mama tidied up the house.
Janie also did her reading and writing homework for the night with Dada.
This afternoon, there was a fundraiser/carnival at Janie’s school so Mama got off early to attend. All the parents had to buy tickets and pay for treats, games, and crafts so their kids could participate. Janie decorated this canvas bag for 3 tickets and drew a picture of Mama on one side and then wrote her name on the other.
This was their class’ silent auction item. It was a collection of self-portraits and photos of each kid in the class.