I guess kids enjoy weekends too. Peanut wrote “We like the weekend. There is no school.”
Remote Learning is getting a little easier now. These two kids have really adapted to this new way of learning.
Peanut’s teacher encourages the class to sound out words and write what they hear. It’s fun to see Peanut’s drawings and writing develop.
Is the pumpkin big? No. Is the pumpkin little. Yes.
I see the he-u-co-tr (helicoptor).
We see the rocket. The rocket can flI.
Writing Assignment
This was one of Janie’s writing assignments. She wrote while at Yai’s house.
Drawing for Miss Wells
We had a packet pick-up today so Peanut made a drawing for her. And of course, it’s a submarine.
Dada’s Birthday Part 2
Today is Dada’s actual birthday so the kids gave him the cards they made for him.
After lunch, we had birthday ice cream cake!
The kids came up with a schedule for today complete with illustrations.
Laundry Crew
It’s like the family leveled up once the kids were able to fold their own clothes. They even kept track of the orphan socks and reunited 2 out of 3 by the end.
Peanut made up his own list of “chores”:
- Wake up
- Clean room
- Play with plus-pluses
- Eat
- Clear table
- Play “Lions”