Home All Day

This is the new normal for us. No longer are we spending all day going from one activity to another. In fact, the kids have not been in the car much these past two weeks.  Today, we cooked, we played games, and we cleaned. The kids love being home and not having to go to swim, kung fu, and soccer all day. Let’s see how much longer before they get bored.

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With everyone else was “sheltering in place”, Peanut was one of 6 kids in his class today. They also got to open some new toys and games.

Janie had her first Zoom meeting at 12:00 with her classmates and teacher. She wrote a note to Mama that said “We had a meeting with my classmates and Ms. Bliss on the computer. It was so so fun. William, Noah, Ben, Mila, Kazu, AJ, Roman, and Alina were there.”

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Early Spring Break

Schools in the Bay Area are closed starting today so Janie had her first day at home with Dada while he worked from home. Peanut is still going to daycare and Mama went to work so they had a day by themselves. We made a schedule for the day and set up her computer and iPad for some independent learning. We also taught her how to text Mama and other family members.

This is what she sent to Mama at 11:34am:

She also drew a book of pictures throughout the day.

“The book of pictures (and no color)” Illustrated by Kaylee Lao

“me drawing” and “Dada working”

“Mama folding laundry”, “Peanut playing with cars”, “me peeling carrots, “Dada cooking dinner”

This is a very accurate picture of what happens at night while Dada is playing his game.

By the afternoon, Governor Gavin Newsom ordered a “shelter in place” for the Bay Area starting at midnight. So, Dada and Janie went to Costco, Trader Joe’s, and Costco to stock up on supplies and food. They said it was a madhouse everywhere they went but came home with a good amount of fresh produce and meat.

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Early Spring Break

With the novel coronavirus lurking, there has been a big effort to increase social distancing. Last night, the school sent an email saying that if we chose to keep our kid home from school that it would be allowed as an excused absence. We sent Janie to school and she said she was one of 6 kids in her class today. She said it was “the best day ever” and “SO FUN!” Alas, by the end of the day, the district announced that they would be starting Spring Break a week two weeks early effective immediately. So, she was sent home with a packet of work and a goodbye from her teacher.

It was also announced today on the news that all sports events and concerts would be canceled. Disneyland is also closing their gates for the first time in history. Boy oh boy…this is getting pretty serious. And it’s Friday the 13th!! What else is going to happen today?!

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Peanut made this one at school and he opted to make the valentine for Janie. He said it was because he wanted to do something different from everyone else who was making it for their mom or dad. It says “Me x ANd Sister”. So sweet.

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Janie was a little stressed out this evening. She was tired and ready to go to sleep but realized she had not gotten ready for school tomorrow. As she was sighing and writing out her list on the fridge, Mama offered to help with her to-do list. She graciously accepted and added a little note at the bottom. So sweet.

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