Time to Go

Oh boy…we had such a fun week in Hawaii and it’s the dreaded morning we have to pack up and head home. We got up, put on swim suits, and walked to McDonald’s for a quick breakfast. Janie continued working on her homework packet and Peanut has been really into writing 3-letter words that he can sound out.

On our walk back, we took the lagoon route to the pool and got one last family selfie.

At the pool, the kids swam and the grown-ups sulked.

When it was time to go, we went back upstairs one last time to change and pack up. The girls found us on our way out and we said our “see you laters”. Their flight was also later today.

We had such a fun time this past week. It was made even better with our family and friends also there with us. We can’t wait to return next year. Hope we can still coordinate with our Beach Buddies again.

Aloha and Mahalo, Hawaii!

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