We talked about going to the zoo last night and Janie wouldn’t stop talking about all the things she would see there today. When we got there, she wanted to see the Mama Giraffe and Baby Giraffe.
She also helped GG get a closer look.
Next was the penguins.
She said they’re “taking a shower”.
She was really looking forward to seeing the tiger and he was out and about.
Then she heard the train from afar, gasped, and said “that’s my train!” So that’s where we went next.
We sat in the front today. She had a lot of fun but was a little scared of the steam in her face. By the end, she was saying “it’s steam, just water”.
For lunch, we had a picnic at the playground. She was waiting patiently for her bread and cheese.
After lunch, she did some “relaxing” on Daddy before wandering off to the playground.
She went down the big tube slide today like a pro. Then Daddy followed.
What a fun day at the zoo!!