Two-Month Check-up

This morning we took Janie to the doctor for her 2-month check-up.  She was a happy camper for most of the appointment and the doctor was, again, impressed with her progress.  We were also told that she was ready to stretch her feeds to about 6 ounces every 4 hours and we should shoot for 6-8 hours of sleep through the night.  Sheesh…wouldn’t that be great?!

Here are the stats:

Weight: 13 lbs, 8 oz. (95th percentile)
Length: 23 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 38.25 cm

Janie also got some vaccinations today.  The first was an oral vaccination.  She did ok with that one and didn’t spit up or anything afterward.  What a trooper.

Next were the injections.  Here’s the first one in the right thigh.  Look at how happy she still was during that one.  She made a little squeal but it wasn’t too bad.

Here’s the injection in the left thigh.  This one made her really cry.  Poor baby.  It even bled a little.  I didn’t realize it until I removed the Band-Aid later this evening and found it soaked in blood.  Overall, I was pretty impressed at how quickly she recovered from both shots.  Once we picked her up, dressed her, and gave her the pacifier, she was all good and passed out in the car.  Doctor said to pick up some Infant Tylenol and to watch out for a fever.  So far she’s had no fever but was a little fussier than usual.  Good job, Baby Girl!

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  1. Considering she had TWO shots and stretched feeding hours, Janie did well with us yesterday! But, auntie E wants to see some laugh next time okay!

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