There was a big celebration of Valentine’s Day at school today. The kids exchanged valentines (we gave DumDums and pencils) and the kids had a special presentation to the parents at the end of the day. Luckily Mama was home today so she was able to watch too.
All the kids had worked hard over the past two weeks practicing some love songs, making ukuleles, cutting out hearts, and making necklaces for each of their parents.
They all performed for us this afternoon, strumming their ukuleles and singing 4 songs.
Then they handed out their gifts for us. We didn’t even know Janie could cut out a heart already! What a nice job she did. The ukuleles also had rubberbands that made noise when you pluck them. Very clever.
Before we left school, all the kids decorated their own cookies and ate them (of course).
To celebrate what a good job she did, we took her to SuperDuper and she ate about 75% of this burger!
We took the train home after dinner and then Janie played her ukulele some more.
She also insisted that we both wear our leis this evening before bed and snapped a photo.