weird morning


This morning at about 3am, Janie was crying and couldn’t settle down. So after numerous tries, I finally gave in and let her sleep with me in the couch/bed. I was half asleep with a squirming toddler who just couldn’t fall asleep. I kept feeling her kicking, poking, and calling “mama” for about two hours.  By 5:30, I gave her some milk and she finally went back to sleep. That left me with one whopping hour before having to get up for work. I’m so thankful it’s Friday today.


This morning she hung out with Daddy while Mirian and Karla went to the pediatrician. Here they are on a conference call together.

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  1. I think during facetime last night, Alice and Kaylee were plotting together.Alice was unusually cranky around 3am as well.

  2. Growing pains? Daphne just went through a spurt and would wake up with pain in her legs. Since she is older she could explain the pain. When she has a nightmare she acts more scared and clingy. Either one is not fun for the mom!

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